Chapter 013 You Are My Woman Part 1

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Meilin walked to the window.

Murong Jinghe had an impatient look on his face and said angrily: "Come in, why are you standing there talking?"

Meilin somehow felt that he was very pleasing to the eye, so she walked along the wall to the door of the main room without any temper, and then opened the door and went in. There was a curtain between the inside and the outside. This curtain was hung up whenever she was not around, so that he could see further at a glance.

When Mei Lin walked in, Murong Jinghe had already turned his head and watched her approach intently. His handsome eyes were bright and sparkling with a burning warmth.

Mei Lin felt uncomfortable being looked at, and even her hands and feet were a bit unclear as to how to move. After finally walking to the kang bed, she sat down on the edge and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you angry about?" Murong Jinghe asked, his tone was very gentle, almost tender.

Gentle... Mei Lin shuddered in her heart, feeling that there must be something wrong with her brain, that she would put ‘gentle’ on this man. It was true that he had not been gentle to her in her memory, but that was just for show to Muye Luomei, and there was no need for that now.

"Hey, why are you so dazed? Do you really want to marry that stinky villager?"

Meilin was greatly stimulated by these words. She suddenly looked up and saw Murong Jinghe's smiling faces. The smiles were clearly full of mockery, and there was no trace of tenderness. She felt inexplicably disappointed, but she just smiled and said, "Didn't I already refuse it..." 

After a pause, when she thought about it, she really felt that this matter was a bit funny. It made no sense for her to be angry about it, so she added: " That Wei Laoer is indeed a bit arrogant, but if I want to live my life, I can't worry about him so much, and just be down-to-earth..." But that man is not only arrogant, he is simply wretched. Even if he has the intention, he can't look down on him. Right.

Murong Jinghe didn't know what she was thinking, but he just felt that her smile was very dazzling. He had a bossy temper, so since he felt uncomfortable, how could he allow her to continue? He interrupted with a sneer: "Then why don't you be cowardly? Did you accept him?"

Mei Lin paused, and was a little angry at his sarcastic tone. In addition, she was already very upset because of this incident. At this time, the two emotions were raging at the same time, and her face became a little unhappy.

"Whether I allow him or not, what does it have to do with you, Prince Murong?" As she said that, she stood up suddenly and started to walk out. She didn't have such a violent temperament, but for some reason she felt strangely uncomfortable when she heard his words. She just felt that she might need to calm down and think about it.

Unexpectedly, Murong Jinghe laughed when he saw her angry.

"Don't leave. I still have something to say." He said slowly.

Meilin looked at him condescendingly, and when she saw his innocent look, she couldn't help but feel angry and funny. She felt that this man was really a scoundrel. Talk to him properly, but he would insist on getting angry with her and ignore her. At that time, he pretended to her that nothing happened. It''s really frustrating!

"What's the matter?" She was annoyed, thinking that if he showed his face again, she would never care about him again.

Murong Jinghe had to raise his neck to look at her. This posture naturally made him dissatisfied, but he did not show it. He just smiled and said: "I have been sitting like this for too long and it is uncomfortable. Please help me change."

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