Chapter 009 The Ghoul Part 1

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Outsiders only think that the burning ground is a ghost land with no trace of people, but they don’t know that there are always a few people who are not afraid of death who rush in every year and never come back.

It was the hot June of that year, and three people came to the ghoul's house and asked him to take a walk in Zhongshan. It was a big deal. They had to send twelve people back to Yunling, so the remuneration was naturally quite high. He had also heard about the burning site. First, he felt that the place was dangerous, and secondly, the matter was strange, so he didn't want to take it. But the evil woman in the family kept making unnecessary nuisances because of this, which made him so restless that she even kicked him and his elderly parents out of the house in the middle of the night, threatening that they would never go back if they couldn't do this business. He had no choice but to accept it.

He didn't go alone, the three people also went up the mountain. Because they were not sure whether those twelve people were really gone.

Before entering the burning site, they brought five days' worth of food and water, thinking that it would be enough to walk around a few times. Having learned from the past, no one dared to be careless. They started making marks as soon as they entered the stone forest. No one thought that this was not the case, and they were still lost in it. When they arrived at the place where Mei Lin and the others stopped, they finally found the person they were looking for, but they could no longer get out of there. And those twelve people had already turned into twelve mutilated corpses. Because the place was shady and cold, sunlight could not penetrate, and the corpses had not yet begun to rot. Traces of mutual killing and biting could be seen from above. That scene had a great impact on the four of them. The seeds of fear and despair were planted at that moment, and then gradually swelled and sprouted in the following days.

On the third day, one man went crazy, took out the sword he was carrying and slashed at the others. The ghoul only knew a little bit of fighting skills, which was not good compared to the martial arts people who were both internal and external, so when the other two people worked together to suppress the man, he hid quietly. He knew that if he stayed with them, he might die from their swords before starving to death, so even if the crazy man calmed down later, he did not go out again. When the three men were looking for him, he hid around the boulder, but to his surprise, he got out of there in confusion. What made him feel even more strange was that he found that he was not far away from them when he was standing outside that area. He could see their every move, but they could not feel his presence at all.

But no matter how he walked in the future, he would never get out of the place he ended up in. The three people didn't wait until they ran out of food and water before they were tortured crazy by the huge fear and gloomy environment.

After they died, he went over to collect the remaining food and water from them. After spending a long time, he walked out of there with only a vague memory. In the past eight years, he followed the previous method and walked around the stone pillar countless times using different routes, but he could never get out. During this period, countless groups of people came. It was like watching a scene in a play, watching them die in front of him in various ways, and watching the truest side they showed when facing death. Many times, for the sake of precious blood, he would help them when they were dying.

Even with Mei Lin's aloofness, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva after listening to his story. A feeling of nausea surged into her throat, and her hands unconsciously hugged Murong Jinghe who was leaning against her.

He didn’t say how he survived these eight years, and they didn’t want to ask.

"You are a corpse exorcist." She said, it was a statement, not a question. Probably only this special profession can allow him to withstand such great psychological pressure and live in this dark place for eight years without going crazy. She asked herself that she couldn't do it. She just wonder why he claims to know some boxing and kicking skills, but why he doesn't have any plan when he strikes.

The ghoul lowered his head and acquiesced.

Murong Jinghe was actually doing better than before. He had calmed down when the ghoul recounted his experience. His expression was calm at this time, making it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

"You didn't kill us last night because you wanted to wait until we were too hungry to move and then bleed us." He pointed out the ghoul's thoughts lightly. After all, with his current physical strength, he is definitely not sure that he can kill both of them at once. Even if he can, their blood will be spilled before then. That is undoubtedly a huge waste for this place without any water source.

The corpse shivered and curled up into a ball again. There was surprise and fear in its eyes hidden under the hair, but did not deny it.

Murong Jinghe nodded, and then said: "Go and have something to eat, and then take us for a few laps."

The ghoul looked at him cautiously for a while, until he was sure that he showed no signs of anger, then he slowly straightened his body and stood up.

"I... have eaten today." I only eat one meal a day, and I only eat half full in one meal. Even so, I am often hungry.

Of course Murong Jinghe didn't know his eating situation, but seeing his body shaking even when he stood up, after thinking about it, she signalled Mei Lin to untie the rope for him, and then let her carry him behind.

The ghoul was a little surprised at first, and then showed a grateful look. While walking away, he wanted to help Mei Lin carry Murong Jinghe from time to time, but she refused.

Having someone to lead the way makes walking much faster. They returned to the place where the ghoul had hit the wall before, followed the path of the ghoul, and then walked around twice more on the side where the ghoul lived, until Mei Lin could not hold up any longer.

"This is a natural chain formation." Sitting on the bamboo cart, meditating for a long time, Murong Jinghe had a slight smile on his lips, and his eyes revealed a strange brilliance that she had never seen before.

The two people who had been silent because of his silence couldn't help but perked up when they heard this, and looked at him expectantly.

Murong Jinghe motioned to Mei Lin to bring a stick. Mei Lin glanced around the empty dàngdàng and without thinking much, was about to pull out a dagger and cut off a bamboo branch on the bamboo cart when a white round stick was handed in front of her. The corners of her lips twitched slightly, but she soon returned to normal, smiled and thanked him, and then took the smooth jade forearm bone and started drawing on the black sand according to Murong Jinghe's instructions.

Seeing that he was not rejected, the ghoul immediately showed a look of joy on his face.

A strange figure composed of circles gradually appeared on the black sand. It seemed chaotic at first glance, but if you study it carefully, you can faintly feel that there seems to be some pattern in it.

"This is the layout of the boulders where we were trapped before." Murong Jinghe explained simply, and then asked Mei Lin to count from the middle to the right to the third block and then fold upwards, marking the birth mark between the fourth and fifth blocks as a door. Beyond the door of life is the door of death. "Death is the beginning of life, life is the support of death. Life and death go back and forth without leaving a trace. This is a simple lost formation." he went around for so long without noticing it. It was because something happened suddenly and he didn't think about the formation at all. 

"Can you get out?" Mei Lin was only concerned about this. As for life and death, at this time and place, there was really no time to discuss it.

Murong Jinghe nodded, but there was no joy on his face. 


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