Chapter 017 Pursuit Part 2

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It turned out that when Murong Jinghe received the news that Mei Lin and the rogue doctor had left Jingbei, Muye Luomei was trying to communicate with him about leading the army to fight against the enemy.

"Don't say that the Holy Father has shown you such favour and you don't want to repay it. Even as a man from Great Yan, when the powerful enemy invaded, you actually cowered in this land of Jingbei. How can you face the people of the world?" No matter how kindly she persuaded and analysed, Murong Jinghe always looked nonchalant and even went to fiddle with the sweet potatoes roasting on the edge of the brazier. Muye Luomei finally got angry and sharply accused him.

Murong Jinghe and the hot chopsticks in his hands accidentally pierced the outer layer of the sweet potato, and the mouth-watering fragrance immediately spread. He shrugged his nose and suddenly remembered that he had never tasted Mei Lin roasted sweet potatoes before. He’s tired of eating wild potatoes and yams.

"Murong Jinghe..." Muye Luomei was standing by the window admiring the plum blossoms. Seeing this, she became angry and was about to stride over and turn off the brazier so that his attention could be fully focused on her.

"Marry me."

Just two words made her freeze in place.

"Marry me. As soon as the wedding is completed, I will immediately go to Zhaojing to ask for permission to go on an expedition." Murong Jinghe slowly raised his head and said calmly, but there was a hint of nervousness in his black eyes. Although he is sure of victory, his obsession with Muye Luomei has become a habit, and her answer is still important to him.

Muye Luomei came back to her senses, her face was slightly red, but she was a little unbelievable.

"Are you crazy? What time is it now?"

Murong Jinghe was not surprised by her reaction, but he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He smiled and looked at the snowflakes flying outside the door.

"Ten years ago, you said that the barbarians would not retreat, so how could they settle down? So I tolerated you for five years. However, when the border became peaceful and the neighbours came to court, you turned away from me. Although I, Murong Jinghe, am not talented, I am very kind to you. The world can learn from your change of heart. This time I want you to give a clear answer, otherwise we will stop talking." At the end of the sentence, his voice was extremely stern.

Muye Luomei originally felt guilty because of his heartfelt confession. Her attitude gradually softened, and her eyes even showed a gentle look. However, when she heard the last sentence with obvious threatening meaning, her face changed slightly and she sneered. : "Don't you think about how you have spent the past five years as a prince? Why should I, Muye Luomei, devote myself to marrying a man who is messing around with women and indulging in wine and sex every day? If you are an upright man, why not come and talk to me about this matter after you drive away the foreign enemies?"

Having driven away the foreign enemies... Murong Jinghe smiled mockingly to himself. If that happens, the cunning rabbit will die and be cooked by the lackeys. If the two of them miss this opportunity, they may never be able to get together in the future.

"If you don't agree, please feel free to return to Capital or go to southern Xinjiang." He put the almost roasted sweet potatoes aside to cool down, clapped his hands, and wanted to say something, when he suddenly saw Qing Yan out of the corner of his eye. The figure standing outside dodging and not daring to come in, frowned, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that he finally noticed him, Qing Yan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, walked in with a slight stoop, and handed over the letter that had been left in the room with both hands.

Chun Hua Yun/ Spring Blossoms / Kill Me Love MeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat