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The way back wasn't all that exciting, and John was happy about that. Stupid shifter.

When they did get back however, Eli was sitting on a barrier, Visor up, and giving John a thumbs up. Eli's dark, almost black, brown eyes were full of pride.

At least he made someone proud.

Smii7y pulled up not long after, turning over the mangled shifter, and looking around. He was likely searching for Grizzy, who was stalking around somewhere, so John decided to help, leaving Eli with the 5th gear terrorizer. 

John found Grizzy first, his visor was also flipped up, and he was looking at another bike, but he quickly looked to John once he noticed him, and give him a curt nod.

"What's up man?" Grizzy looked up from the bike he was working on.

"I broke the shifter." 

"That's ne-..." He trailed off for a second. "What the fuck- How?"

"I guess I shifted too well."

"How did it break?" Grizzy stood in front of John, his project forgotten.

"It's gone." John nodded towards where the bike was 'parked'. "I mean the whole shifting lever came off."

"HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK." Grizzy stared at him in disbelief. "How did you even manage that. The whole thing-."

"Yup, the whole thing." John turned around, but didn't see Smit anywhere. "SMIT."

No response.



John yelped at the voice behind him, and both Grizzy and Smit started laughing.

"Not funny." John said as he reached up and slammed Grizzy's visor down, effectively locking it.

"HEY!" Grizzy attempted to unlock his visor as Smit started to laugh his ass off. "GREAT NOW I CANT FUCKING GET IT OPEN. ASSHOLE." Smit was laughing so hard John thought he might be choking. 

"Are we going to be here all night, or are we gonna fix this bike?" John shook his head, chuckling a bit at the rhyme.

"I don't know if I wanna help you anymore." Grizzy huffed, still trying his visor.

"As soon as you get that back up, imma flip it down." Smii7y was still laughing as he said that.

"Don't you fucking dare. If I could see though the tint of this visor in the dark, I'd be swinging."

"Swinging and missing is all you'll be doing."

"Fuck off."

Ah, friendly teasing.

"Also, I think this thing is mangled to shit-." Smit began, but was quickly cut off.

"IF I COULD FUCKING SEE I COULD TELL YOU." Smii7y just started laughing again, to which only made Grizzy pry at the visor more. John decided to help out finally, reaching up, and unlocking Grizzy's visor for him, and flicking it up.

"Don't fucking do that again." John caught Smit's hand as he tried to do just as he said not to. 

"Smit you fucktard, leave the man alone." John yanked Smit out of the reach on Grizzy's visor.

"Ow- JOHN!" Smii7y yelped, not very pleased with not being able to tease his friend anymore, and his chaotic energy was quickly aimed towards John instead.

"Can this go back on the bike?" John questioned, looking towards Grizzy, while Smit tried to undo his gloves.

"Smii7y? No. the lever? Maybe." John laughed at the remark.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now