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"Smit, would you do drag?" Eli popped the random question.

"Excuse me?" Smii7y looked towards Eli, tilting his head. John was standing relatively close to Smit, almost like a bodyguard. No one noticed but Tyler, who had his visor up. He gave him an understandable eyebrow raise.

"Like, dressing up in Drag?" Smii7y asked Eli.

"Yeah, would you be a Drag Queen?" Eli stared directly at Smit, he was being serious.

"No, not permanently, but I'll tell you what, give me 50 dollars right now, and we'll go to the store, and dress me in Drag for the day." 

"50? Your selling me cheap, damn, I woulda asked for 100."

"If you give me 100 we'll dress Tyler in Drag too."

"WHAT?!" Tyler looked to Smit. "When the fuck was I involved??"

"Right fucking now, and if you give me 200, we'll do Droid and John with it." Smit said, one hand out, asking Eli for the money.

"Smii7y!" John and Droid, who had decided to come with them, yelled at the same time.

"Take my whole fucking wallet, let's do it!" Eli said, literally tossing Smit his whole wallet.

"Nahhh, I'm joking." Smit tossed it back. "Unless."

"NO!" There was multiple people yelling that. Multiple meaning three, John, Droid, and Tyler.

"Would you still do it though?" Eli asked.

"I mean, I won't take the helmet off, but I'll wear a dress. Maybe not while biking." Smii7y shrugged. "I'll wear booty shorts too."

"What the fuck, Smit." John said. He wanted to see that, but he also liked Smit the way he was. If that made any sense. But then again he also thought about-. Oh goodness, don't open up that part of his brain. Fuck.

"You'd femboy out for how much?" Eli looked slowly at Smit.

"Woah, that's a little suspicious Eli, you want to see that for another reason, don't you?" Smii7y chuckled. "The answer is 50 dollars."

"Femboy biker? Fuck yeah, take my money." 

"Yo, we playing something?" Droid jumped in, "whoever survives the longest without a boner wins?"

"That's not fair, Smit would win every time." Tyler huffed. 

"How would you know that? Hiding something?" John looked to Tyler who shook his head, and instantly regretted what he said.

"NO NO-!" Tyler tried, but was interrupted by Eli.

"Oh damn, I didn't expect you to be a boy kisser, Tyler."

"THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT-!" Tyler tried again. 

"Man, I know who's winning then." Droid shrugged. "Me, I've seen enough femboys."

John knew he'd be the first to lose.

"Or is it because your dick is too small to see?" Eli huffed.

"There's multiple people that would say otherwise to that statement, and I could call one right now." Smii7y said. This was a shitshow.

"DON'T FUCKING CALL PEZZY!" Droid yelped. Oh great.

"Oh I will, how happy will he be?" Smii7y stop fuelling the flame.

"Just be a femboy already!" Eli complained.

"Hand me that fucking 50!" 

Please no

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now