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"Puffer, don't take that you hoarder!" Grizzy shouted at Puffer, who'd taken a shiny bolt without asking. 

John was starting to get a bit fed up with the twos antics, but they were funny, so he let it slide. John wasn't doing much to contribute either, sitting on a stool swinging his legs, and occasionally passing Grizzy a tool.

But he stoped paying attention to them once he saw Smit again, It was almost in a flash, he knew he was here now, and lost all interest in the others.

"What's going on in here?" Smit asked, draping an arm over Johns shoulders.

"Puffers being a dumbass." Grizzy stated with a monotone voice.

"Am not, just being me." Puffer huffed, shoving Grizzy on the shoulder a bit.

"Yeah, you're a dumbass."

Smit sighed, and walked over to them, leaving John to feel lonely without Smit beside him. Smit snatched the bolt from Puffer, and dropped it next to Grizzy. Then, he took off.

He said no other words, and fixed their problem. How convenient?

After a bit, all the sleds had made it on the trails, all with trail tracks, and any other part they needed.

Grizzy had already started on another beer, and Puffer was still giggling about a joke he'd made a while ago.

Now that he thought of it, Puffer was not Smit's, or his decision to bring along. Really, it was Grizzy who had gotten the idea, and pushed it. Maybe the two were seeing each other before this?

Their scandalous relationship didn't really affect John directly, but compared to what Smit thought, he was out of the picture.

Was that what his constant turmoil was over? Surely not, Smit felt like he was more guilty, more responsible for something, and is constantly hating himself, or someone else over it.

Grizzy mentioned Fl0m was supposed to be dead, and John wouldn't put it past Smit if he was somehow, in someway, involved. Smii7y seemed to be involved in everything, and it was probably eating at him slowly, that might be what it is.

Smit waving a hand in front of his face brought him back to reality.

"John, do you want to keep going, or go to the shack, Grizzy wants to drink more, and Puffer is just hammered already, so I don't trust em."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Back to your room, but that'll get us no where, so let's just keep going."

"Excuse me-?" John felt a light blush cross his face, but he knew Smit couldn't see it.

"Oh, you know what I said, and I know you're thinking the same thing." Smit's tone was driving John mad, he was never one to handle flirting, let alone from Smii7y himself. "Also, I'm sure Puffer is drunk enough, he might hit a tree, or run himself off the trail."

Honestly, Puffer is a danger to himself, for a guy who practically drinks everyday, he has terrible immunity.

"Yeah, but if we go to the shack, he'd only get worse."

"Onwards it is."

And with that, Smit jumped back on his sled, getting Grizzy's attention. Grizzy wasn't quite hammered yet, but he was close.

"Where we going, boss?"

"Onwards." Smit nodded towards the trail.

"Oh c'mon." Grizzly huffed, he just wanted to drink more, which was clear from the start.

John sighed, and shook his head, following behind Smit, who had the same reaction. Soon enough they'd have to bring Puffer back, because the amount of alcohol he'd consumed was on the brink of lethal.

John had barely even drank, too focused on taking care of the others, which was a good thing, because John did crazy shit when he was drunk, and Smit shouldn't have to care of them all by himself.

Taking care of John alone when he's drunk, made some of his early friends leave him.

Where were those people now? The people who thought John was too good for them, or not good enough? Where was his first girlfriend, first person he'd ever hung out with? John accepted his new life with open arms, but he could never shake off his old one.

Where were those people he'd fought, the people forced to do others bidding, just as what happened to him? Where are those people he robbed, and thought about killing, but just couldn't do it?

Had Smit ever felt this way? He was in the military, were there people he just couldn't kill? Had he ever had to kill someone? 

Johns circulatory thoughts always went back to Smit, but this time he wished it hadn't. Was he looking at a killer right now? 

Maybe Smit thought the same thing...

Was Smit looking at a killer, was John a killer?

No, he wasn't, at least he didn't think so, he'd seen a killer, a real serial killer, but he wasn't one himself.

Smit wouldn't be a killer, even if he had killed someone, because he'd have done it for a purpose, a job, and that changes everything.

Had Smit ever been deployed? If he hadn't, he likely never saw bloodshed, unless he himself caused it..

Something came to mind as John followed Smit through the winding trails. Smit had never asked for his story, he didn't even seem to care where John came from.

Smit was the type not to ask, he figured, but it seemed odd. John was ready to tell Smit everything, but Smit never gave him an opportunity to do so.

Maybe he just didn't want to know, maybe he didn't want to hear what he thought he'd hear, what he's afraid of hearing.

Maybe he'd be afraid of him?

It seemed hard to believe, a veteran scared of a robber, no, it sounded wrong, if anything, John should be afraid of Smit. Smit was more likely of violent acts, more likely of hurting someone, more likely than him.. Yet that didn't seem right either.

What did that man think? What went on in his brain? To be Smit is the only way to truly understand him, to truly get him, thats why everything John thought was wrong, because he didn't know.

Smit would never hurt someone, not intentionally, or without purpose. John was going crazy if this is what he thought of his best friend, the man he loved.

John didn't know why his brain had thought of that, a terrible thought, really. Why couldn't he just stop thinking? Sometimes he wished he could turn his brain off like a light switch.

Alas, life isn't that easy.

~ A/N ~

Getting serious here? hehe

-Fun Fact(s)-

Smit had been deployed, Smit has ended another humans life. John has not.

Smits character is supposed to be complex, yet I feel like I write all dialog the same, it's confusing.

Grizzy has better immunity to alcohol than Puffer, even though he drinks less.

Puffer is a giddy, happy drunk, while Grizzy is super demanding, and treats people like shit when he's drunk.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now