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John followed right on Smits tail, Smit was a lot calmer than John would've expected, he seemed to be ignoring his anxiety though, because he was shaking.

Actually, shaking was an understatement, he was literally vibrating with anxiety, but his expression remained stone-cold.

The choking calmness was oh so present, the weight on Smit getting heavier. Was this what he was so upset over? The fact he thought he played a role in two of his friend's deaths? John would be upset too, actually.

They wandered into the restaurant Fl0m said they'd meet at, Grizzy and Puffer decided to go elsewhere, perhaps shopping, perhaps doing something else in a washroom, they'd never know for sure.

Maybe they would, if Puffer got a bit drunk tonight. He loved sharing his love life while intoxicated.

Smit was saying something to the man behind the front desk, but John didn't get a lick of what he said, too off in space to even notice. 

The man nodded, and lead them towards a booth near the back, where two people sat, both men, and one scantily clad. John had no clue who was who, but Smit sure did, his eyes lit up, as the more.. dressed one stood up and spread his arms, getting tackled by a laughing Smit.

"Fl0m!" Smit exclaimed, and John would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit jealous. "Why didn't you contact me?" 

"Im gonna be honest with you, I forgot your number." Fl0m said, a bit embarrassed. His voice was far higher pitched than John thought, his tone a bit odd, but he seemed friendly.

"And Tucker didn't tell you it?" Smit looked over to the other man, His expression became unbothered. John wished Smit didn't do that sometimes, as relaxing as the calm was, it wasn't something that John wanted to mask Smit's every feeling.

Tucker shrugged, looking over his shoulder at them. In Johns opinion, Tucker looked closer to a stripper if anything, especially with his outfit, but John wasn't one to judge. 

"Didn't remember either."

"Odd coincidence." Smit muttered, his gaze cold as he stared at Tucker.

"It's the truth."

"He didn't tell me." Fl0m butted in, looking up and locking eye contact with John, finally noticing him. "Who's this?"

"John." He didn't mean to sound that hostile, but thats how it sounded anyway.

Smit rolled his eyes, looking between the two, and sensing Johns jealousy. "My boyfriend." He huffed, walking back to John. Smit wrapped his arms around John, tucking his head under Johns chin.

John looked back to Fl0m, maybe his grin gave away how happy he was, because Fl0m smiled at him.

Tucker looked unimpressed, but he still smiled weakly at John.

He kind of seemed like an asshole, but John couldn't be one to judge that either, John was kinda an asshole himself.

Smit then guided him to sit down, and ensue in friendly conversation. John found that Tucker is quite the talker once you get him going, he just needs encouragement. Fl0m was way too friendly for his own good, you could say anything to the guy and he'd believe you in an instant, which was probably not good.

Then again, he didn't know if he was like that just because of Smit, who tended to make everyone believe him regardless.

"So, you were being hunt down, so you moved out here?" Smit questioned, "with Tucker?"

"Actually Tucker was here before me, like way before me, we just both knew who you were, and we bonded that way." Fl0m replied, his friendly smile only growing. He seemed like a sweet guy, nothing about Fl0m stood out as bad.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now