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The rest of the ride was as usual, wheelies, dumbasses, and crashes. John could care less how the idiot got in the predicament, and how they're doing afterwards. Call him heartless, it didn't matter to him. the same could not be said for Brian, he was all but heartless about the safety of those who crashed.

Smit had a 'screw up, get over it' mentality, and John really loved it. Smit was more like him than he had thought, and apparently his care for others wellbeing played into that role.

He and Smit had pulled away from the group, and were hanging out, looking for a club, when a lady walked up to them. 

She smelt like weed, and was definitely high off her ass. She simply asked where she was, and  when Smit told her, She stalked off to where ever she was going, and then she was gone.

John hoped whatever else she had wasn't date rape, then he would've felt bad. She definitely had something else, indicated by her erotic mumbling, and woozy, indecisive behaviour.

Whatever she took was her own problem now, and John could barely bring himself to care. She did it to herself most likely, if she did, karma will make its course.

Smit was throughly distracted by finding them a good club where Smit said 'no one will know who he is.'

To be fair, he did wear a different helmet, plain, and a different set of clothes as to usual. John could see why he wanted to hide his features.

Smit is a nice looking man, don't get him wrong, he just probably didn't want constant judgement on appearance, he wanted people to focus on his skill, not how hot he is.

John would definitely focus on how hot he is.

He also probably didn't want people to yell and scream when they saw him at the grocery store. awkward.

Smit was wearing a button up half sleeve, that proudly showed off his reverse freckled arms, that had more of splotches, than freckles. He was also wearing his usual black jeans, and flashy belt, but with combat boots instead.

John had never thought Smit would want to show any of his skin, besides that of his face, tonight. Smit was always one to prove John wrong though.

Something John hadn't noticed was the tattoo on Smits inner forearm, that area was mainly the unnatural white, and it had a very small, but very detailed knife of sorts inked onto it.

That didn't seem like a gang mark, it was in the wrong spot, and he had never seen one like it. usually gang marks had meaning, and something else behind it than just a weapon.

John just had to ask him about it.

"I know what you're looking at, John." Smit said before he could even ask the question. "It's in honour of a military friend, he didn't come back from deployment."

"Oh, I'm sorry Smit." John mumbled, he didn't want to make Smit upset, but the way he told him what happened, it didn't sound like he was anyway.

"He's been KIA since, but I know he's not actually dead." Smit huffed, sounding almost offended.

"What do you mean by that?"

"He was already talking about running away, he just needed cover. He hated the military, but I didn't connect the dots when I got this." Smit nodded to his tattoo.

"Oh, funny story then?" John giggled, he remembered to deploy this tactic, it got Smits attention and fast, it also raised his mood just that bit more.

"Yeah a little bit, I got a text from him like two years ago telling me what actually went down." Smit shrugged. "He also apologized for making me sad."

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now