The Pregnancy Club - Chapter 7

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I pulled up in my dad's pickup and parked in the library parking lot. It was a Sunday, which meant the library was quite busy. It was scorching in the late-August heat, and I could feel the sweat on my back.

I walked inside, but that didn't really help the heat. I don't think there was any air condintioning at the library. I never understood how the creepy librarians could walk around all day in mom-jeans and turtle-necks.

I held up the which I had stuck in my back pocket. Room 231. I pivoted, looking around. Finally I spotted 231, beside the search computers. I walked over to the door and took the handle. I stood there, considering whether or not this was a good idea. I mean, what if nobody shows up and it's just me and the creepy teacher sitting and talking about my pregnancy.

It's better than not talking to anybody.

I sighed, and turned the door handle. Inside there was already three people that looked about my age, and one other woman that looked about in her late twenties. One of the young girls was short, with coffee-coloured skin and shiny black hair. She would have been beautiful, except rolling out of her stomach was a giant bulge. She must be way farther along than the rest of us. I suddenly realized I recognized her, she went my school. We never talked, but sometimes I saw her in the halls. She was more part of the "in-crowd" (as much as I hate using the term.)

The second was a scary looking girl. She had ironed, black hair that lazily ran down her back, and dark eyeliner. She was wearing a short black skirt, and a band t-shirt with a band I didn't recognize. She had her arms and legs crossed, and was warily eyeing the rest of the girls.I didn't recogize her, she must go to a different school. Her bump wasn't as large as coffee-skin girl, but it was certainly larger than my alomst non-existant one.

The third was sitting in the corner, nervously biting her fingernails. Her long blonde hair curled effortlessly, and she had the cute face of a five-year old. Her blue eyes darted around the room, scanning her surroundings, ready to run if threatened. I didn't recognize her, but based on her knee-length skirt and soft pink cardigan, I guessed she was one of the kids that went to the Catholic School. I couldn't see any bump on her, so she musn't be that far along.

The twenty-something-year-old clapped her hands and smiled at us. "Alright, I think that's all of us, so let's begin." She sat down in a chair across from me, and I realized were all in a circle. "Now, my name is Jen, and I made this club to-" She was abruptly cut off because all of the suddon another girl rushed into the room. She had long, perfectly straight brown hair. Her clothes looked designer, not that I would know. She looked around at all of us, and then marched to a chair . . . beside me. She flipped her hair back and turned to us, as if we had all been waiting on her. I knew her type, and trust me, I didn't like them.

"Anyway, I started this club so girls going through something as hard as teen pregnancy can have someone to talk to, because I know when I was your age, I didn't." She paused and looked around at us."I got pregnant when I was fifteen, and I didn't have many people to help me. But we''ll talk about my sotry later. First, I want to hear all of yours. We'll go around the circle, and when it comes to, state your name, how far along you are, and your own story." She turned and looked at scary girl, who raised one eyeliner-covered eyebrow and cleared her throat.

"My name is Flame," She began.

"Is that your real name?" Coffee-skin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Does it matter? " Flame snapped, giving her the evil-eye.

"No interupting each other! Please." Jen pleaded. She turned back to Flame. "Continue."

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