The Pregnancy Club - Chapter 24

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Christmas. Such an overated holiday.

Everyone gets together and gives presents and believes in the fantasy of a jolly fat man shimmying down your chimney while you sleep.

My parents had their cup of coffee, and then, unwillingly sat down by the plastic Christmas tree and gave out our presents. We hadn't talked much since my confrontation, except for simple questions such as "Thai or Chinese?". (Thai of course, Chinese is way to fattening.)

I got a pair of Manolos, a new camera (Flix brand, of course), Tiffany earrings, a Coach wallet, the new Juicy perfume, and some Armani dress that they expected me to wear to some event at someone's mansion. It was all material to me, stuff to win me over. To make me the "good little girl" that they wished they had. Well too bad.

"It's the new model, you know. The camera." My dad mentioned as I looked at all my gifts.

"Cool." I said sarcastically. He frowned, but didn't say anything. I handed them both their gifts (A watch for my dad, a pair of Jimmy Choos for my mom. "I'm gonna go upstairs." I finally said after they each thanked me. I had already gotten the Pregnancy Club girls's presents profetionally wrapped, so I didn't have anything to do, I just wanted to get away.

  It didn't take long to figure out what to give Tanya. The girl could not find some good jeans for her body tight. She was trying to squeeze into super-skinny, but they didn't flatter her thighs. so I bought her a pair of flares. I had guessed her size: 5/6, but I stuck in the receipt, just in case. I had decided to give the rest of the girls presents too, only to be fair, because I wanted to get Chastity and Sadie a gift. So, for Flame I bought her some Skechers Shape Ups. She needed some toning in her calves, and maybe it would stop her from slouching all the time. For Jen I bought a charm bracelet and had added a small pacifier charm to it.

 Sadie and Chastity were harder. I didn't want to give them material gifts, I liked them better than that. So I searched the stores until I found something perfect. It was one of those necklaces that you give to best friends, except this one was meant for three, with the phrase "Best Friends Forever" scattered on three seperate pieces of a heart. I had bought two of the Best Friends Forever necklaces, so I could give one to Peyton too. I didn't want her to start asking questions. That still left me with another necklace, so I decided I would give it to Morgan. Boo hoo for Megan. 

  I was worried that it might be too pushy, but then again, it might also be something that brings us together. I felt more connected to them than anyone, even Peyton. In fact, the only reason me and Peyton are so connected might be because of our secret.

                                                  *                               *                                 *

A couple of hours later I began moping, thinking about the days when me and Josh were together. He said that when Christmas comes, we'll spend the whole day together, driving around listening to Christmas carols.

 That fantasy didn't last long, however.

I wished he was still here. I wished I could aplogize, for getting him into this mess. I wish he could come over and make me feel better on a cold Christmas morning, kissing me just the way he used to.

My thoughts drifted, and suddenly I was angry at him.

It's not my fault I got pregnant! You don't want a baby, wear a condom for crying out loud!

And went back to being sorry . . .

But I should've remembered to take the pill . . .

And back to angry . .  .

I was in a hangover? Can you blame me? He's the one that encouraged me to do it that night!

Sorry . . .

But I could've said no . . .

Angry . . .

Would anyone say no to Josh Fitzgerald? I don't think so!

Sorry . . .

Maybe I should call him . . . at least to apologize . . .

Angry . . .

Aplogize for what? I didn't do anything wrong here!

Sorry . . .

I'm calling him.

I grabbed my cell phone and quickly dialed his number before I lost the courage. I pressed "Talk". You're not being desperate, you just want to talk. You're not being desperate, you just wan to talk. I chanted in my mind.

"Hello? Aimee?" Josh's voice sounded over the phone. My breath caught in my throat. Hang up hang up hang up hang up hang up. I couldn't hang up! Not now! I would look even more desperate!

"Uh, yeah. It's Aimee. I wanted to talk to you, about the pregnancy." I bit my lip.

"Uh, I don't know if this is a good time." I heard some shuffling.

"Please, just listen for a second. I'm sorry that you got dragged into this, and at first I wished I could take it back. But you see, I want to keep my babies. Oh, I'm having twins, by the way." I paused, waiting for a reaction.

"Twins? That's . . . hey, stop it for a sec." Josh scolded, and I heard a laugh. Josh had someone over?

"Do you have someone over?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. Maybe can we talk another time." Josh sounded distracted.

"I just want to say something quick. I'm keeping my kids because I love them, I want to take care of them, and if you could accept-"  I was cut off. By a girl's voice.

"When are you going to get off the with that desperate bitch?" She snarled playfully.

That wasn't just any girl's voice. That was Peyton's voice.

The phone dropped from my hands and fell to the floor, leaving a crack on the touch screen. But I couldn't think about that right now. All that was running through my head was Josh and Peyton Josh and Peyton Josh and Peyton Josh and Peyton Josh and Peyton Josh and Peyton. My Josh, and Peyton. 

I felt sick to my stomach. I was going to barf. I jumped off of my bed and ran to my bathroom, barely making it to the toilet. When I was finished I curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor, shivering in my pajamas. 

Peyton was dating Josh. Everyone probably knew, except for me. I was the loser whose best friend was dating her ex-boyfriend. The pathetic ex-girlfriend.

I let the tears fall out from my eyes as my sobs echoed on the bathroom walls.

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