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HI SISTERRR. This is a little shorter than the other ones.

Marjorie's POV

Carly got in the back of Reese's car while I got in the front. Yet again, he grabbed my hand and didn't let go. I'm never gonna get used to this. The car drive was quiet, apart from Carly tapping at her phone. When we got to the meeting, Mia and Kenny were both there already. I saw her eyes look down at mine and Reese's entwined hands and her face scowled. I smirked, knowing I could get under her skin so easily. Me and Reese went and sat on the opposite side of the table to them, Carly sitting next to me leaving 2 seats on our side for Winter and Autumn. They arrived 2 minutes later, Autumn death staring everyone in the room before she sat down.

"Right then. Now we're all here I think we need to have a staff chat." Reese's dad said.

"If we're having a staff chat why is Kenny here?" Reese pointed out. Good point.

"Because he was attacked by the staff." He shot at Reese.

"Yeah with reason." Reese shot straight back.

"What reason does Autumn have to chuck him down concrete stairs?"

"The fact that he tried to go to her prom with her when she was 15. The fact that he hit on Carly. The fact that he followed Marjorie home from town and sat outside her house all night. The fact that he thinks it's okay to speak about women like they're an object. Need I say more." Reese finishes holding eye contact with Kenny, leaning back and holding my hand tighter. Reese's dad looked over and Kenny, rage casing his face,

"And Mia? Why Mia Marjorie?" He looked at me.

"She threatened me when talking to Charlotte, Autumn told Carly to go and get her. She started an argument with Autumn by insulting me the second she walked in and then slapped her. Next thing I know she's dropped to the floor and I was on top of her."

"Right." He sighed putting his head in his hands. "I need more context. What is this whole thing over?" Everyone was silent, except for Carly.

"Well... Reese and Marjorie are together and Mia's jealous of Marjorie that's what it all started over. And Kenny followed Marjorie all the way home and then sat there all night so he deserved to be thrown down the stairs. Mia totalled Marjorie's car and has threatened her, Reese and Autumn so many time I think Marjorie was right to beat her and I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner." She finished, out of breath. Reese's dad sighed angrily.

"So Mia, this is all because my son broke up with you for Marjorie?" He asked her.

"Yes." She said, looking at her nails.

"How petty and childish. For the record, I'm glad my son left you for Marjorie. You seem like a bad type." He cleared his throat. "As for you Kenny, I'll deal with you later in a different matter." What did he mean by that?

"Are we done?" Autumn asked.

"Yeah, yeah. You guys are free to go, Kenny and Mia stay here." I smiled at them mockingly.

"Good, I can't stand looking at their faces any longer. I might launch a chair at it." She said standing up and walking straight out. I couldn't help but giggle. Autumn makes me laugh.


I sat back down in my chair, closing my eyes. How long til works over? Still 2 hours oh my god. I felt two hands on my shoulders once again, smiling I looked up at Reese.

"You can keep saying you're okay sweetheart but you're tired. There's only a little while left of the day, there's no harm in you going home early for once." He just keeps on doesn't he?

"If I go home will it make you stop nagging at me to sleep?" I said, humming softly.

"I can't promise that. But I can promise that it will make me happy." He smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, Autumn my nursery better still be in one piece when I come back tomorrow." I say, standing up grabbing all of my stuff.

"It will be Marjorie, don't worry." She said, smirking at me. Why is she smirking?

"What's that face for?" I questioned her.

"What face? I don't know what you're talking about." She replied, still grinning. I rolled my eyes again, walking out and mumbling a goodbye. I am actually glad I'm going home, I'm so tired. Reese caught up to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"You know that you're gonna have to drop me to work tomorrow, because I'm leaving my car here."

"I don't mind that. At all." He smiled at me again.

We climbed into his car again and set off for my house, hoping Kenny was still in the meeting and not hanging around outside. To my luck, he wasn't. Thank you god.

"Wanna come inside with me?" I pleaded him with my eyes. He rolled his eyes but gave in getting out of the car causing me to smile widely.

I unlocked my door and walked inside, it's actually clean for once. Not sure how I managed that. I put my bag down on the table and took my coat off. I pulled Reese upstairs with me, all I want to do right now is lay down. I lay down and pull Reese next to me, he seems a bit surprised. He thinks he was going to force me off work and have me be on my own?

Reese's pov(FOR ONCE LOL)

I must say I'm a little surprised she has brought me to her house already, considering how closed off she was at the start. Although she did think I was a terrible person because of Mia...Anyways I'm not complaining. She looks like she's finally going to listen to me and get some sleep, so I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer so her heads laying on my chest. I hear her sigh comfortably and she pulled the covers up over us before putting her arm over me. I started fiddling with her hair, and she fell asleep shortly after that. Noted for the next time she can't or won't sleep. I kissed her forehead gently, she's so perfect. I watched her for a while until I eventually drifted off myself.

THE NEXT DAY.Marjorie's pov (back at it)

I woke up at 5:34 this morning, laying on top of Reese. We must've slept all night, oh well. I stayed there for a while, just enjoying the warmth from him, before I have to wake him up.

"Reese. Reese." I say, shaking him gently.

"Hey sweetheart." He mumbled with his eyes still closed, I smiled at him feeling my face getting hot again.

"It's almost 6am. We slept all night." I tell him. But he doesn't seem too bothered about it. "Reese we're going to be late."

"No we're not." He says. "We haven't got work."

"What are you talking about?" I ask, very confused.

"Charlotte booked you off for 2 days mandatory leave when you left her in charge." Reese confessed.

"But what about my nursery? She can't do that." How did Charlotte know how to do that?"Well she did it and your nursery will be fine. Carly, Charlotte, Autumn and Winter can handle it okay? Have a break."

"If she only booked me off, how do you not have work?"

"I booked 2 days off as soon as she told me." He closed his eyes once more, holding me tighter. He booked days off work to spend time with me? I leaned up to kiss him finally. Pulling back with a smile, I laid my head back down on his chest. I love him already.

1323 words.

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