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Mialotte, Wintumn & Marjoreece are all in this chapterrrrr

The next morning

Marjorie's POV

I wake up to Reese playing softly with my hair. I'm in my bed and I look to the side of me to see Autumn.

"So where did you sleep then?" I ask quietly, sitting up as carefully as I could not to wake Autumn.

"On the sofa. It's no big deal, I accidentally woke her up last night moving you and she didn't want to leave you in her sad drunken manner so I couldn't say no and brought her up here with you." He replies handing me a glass of water and some painkillers for my hangover.

"Okay so what we gonna do about your dad?" I ask Reese after I swallow the tablets.

"Well I was thinking about that and I've made a plan I think." He moves to sit on my left so my face is against his chest. I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Oh do tell." I say.

"I was thinking if me, you, Aut, Char and Mia all go ambush him in his office. See what he has to say about it all? I don't know to try get an explanation. I'm never talking to him again anyways but I wanna know why." Reese says looking down at me.

"We can do that. Give me 5 minutes to wake your sister and we'll get ready yeah?" I look down at his lips and then back up to his eyes.

"Yeah that works for me." He whispers, leaning in to close the gap between us in a heated kiss. When we pull apart for he smiles down at me, kisses my forehead and leaves the room. I turn and slowly start to wake up Autumn, getting ready with the water and painkillers.

"Morning Marj." She groans in a hangover as she sits up to get used to her surroundings. Autumn holds her head straight away.

"Here." I pass her the paracetamol and the water.

"Thank you so much." She says downing 2 tablets and the water.

"It's okay, I needed them too. Anyways I woke you up because we need to get ready to go confront your dad. Reese's idea." I explain to her.

"You haven't gotta tell me twice." Autumn says getting out of bed. "Did I sleep in the bed next to you last night?" She questions.

"Yeahhh, Reese said apparently you didn't want to leave me in your sad drunken manner. As he put it." I giggle slightly.

"Fair enough. Let's get ready then." Autumn pulls me out of bed and we go into my wardrobe. I already knew she was gonna steal my clothes, she always does.

30 mins later and we're on the way to my nursery, where Mia and Charlotte are. Reese and Autumn stayed in the car while I went in to grab them.

"Charlotte darling, we need you." I found her in the baby room. She follows me out and grabs her bag. "Do you know where Mia is?"

"Yeah she's taking a phone call with a parent in your office. What's going on?" Char asks trying to keep up with me.

"We're confronting Roger." I inform her as I enter my office.

"Okay thank you. Have a nice day." I hear Mia say ending the phone. "Ugh parents. Oh hi Marjorie. Hi sweetheart." She says checking out Charlotte, I still don't understand how I missed that. It's so obvious.

"Hi so we're going to confront Roger. You want in?" I ask.

"Yes of course." She smiles following us to Reese's car. We all jump in and it's a little quiet.

"Well I never thought we'd all be in a car together." Autumn says making us laugh.

"Yeah well. Things change, life happens." I smile looking at Reese. Soon enough we arrive where Roger is. We walk into his office and he's on the phone. He shoos us away with his hand but I let Autumn take care of it. She went over a ripped the phone cord out the wall.

"Seriously Autumn?! Again?!" He sighs frustrated.

"Stop shooing us away like a dogs and I won't do it." She crossed her standing back next to me.

"What do you want?" He says before he notices Mia standing with us and his face goes pale. "Did you-"

"Yes I told them Roger. We had a deal, you told me about my dad and I do what you want. You broke your end of it so I broke mine. Now you have to pick up the pieces." Mia smirks, for once I'm glad we have her on our side.

"What was your problem with me being close to my BROTHER?!" Autumn screams in his face. "He was my best friend and you ripped him away from me. For what?!"

"Well you were in love with that idiot killerman. I needed something to distract you away from him." Roger states like it's not a completely crazy and traumatising thing to do.

"Seriously?! First of all you wouldn't even know that if you weren't a stalker who searched all my stuff. Second, you stole my brother and best friend because I had a school girl crush like any other 15 year old?! Do you realise how stupid and idiotic that sounds? You made me cold and heartless because of puppy love?! You, my father made me this horrible woman because of a crush?!" She screams, I can tell now she's started she won't stop and none of us even need to speak at this point.

"Autumn. I'm so sorry but it worked didn't it? You came out okay, so did Reese. You're close now and you didn't get with an idiot boy."

"No no. It didn't work father. It made me cold, heartless and horrible. To the people I love most aswell. I'm not gonna change the way I am because I like the way I am now but I wouldn't be this way if it wasn't for you. And I wouldn't have had such a terrible end to my teenage years if you didn't do it. You thought you were doing good? You made everything worse and made Mia your puppet so everyone would use her as a punching bag and not you. You're disgusting and I hate you. I never want to see you again." Autumn finishes and storms out. Reese follows after her so I decide to stay. I was gonna say something but Mia speaks up.

"I only did this for my dad Roger. And I only just realised that you probably don't even know where he is, I don't know how I missed it all these years but... I finally realised it. You were horrible to your own kids and you made everyone horrible to me. I didn't deserve that, I just wanted to know who my dad was and instead I got used like a puppet for years and bullied. Obviously I'm not blaming them because they didn't know and I didn't tell them til now but I still blame you. I hope Reese and Autumn never speak to you again because they deserve better than the parents they got given." Mia finished and we all left. The tension was high and everyone was very on edge.

"Marjorie, Reese, Autumn. I'm sorry for everything I did. I just wanted to find my dad." Mia says standing next to Char.

"It's okay. We understand." I answer for all of us, because I know we all do. But Reese and Autumn can't speak right now. Mia and Charlotte leave. I turn to look at Reese and see Autumn just staring into space.

"What do you want to do Autumn?" I ask putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I just want to go home. My home. Can someone call Winter?" She questions.

"Of course." I stand up straight and take out my phone to call Winter.

"Winter." I say once he picks up.

"Yes Marjorie, what's up?" He asks.

"Long story short. Something happened with Autumns dad, and she's asking for you to come get her from his office and take her home." I say to him.

"Okay I'm on my way." He hangs up.

"Winters on his way." I say to her sitting next to her. Winter texts me saying he's outside and we take her to him. They leave and Reese grabs me by my hips and kisses me.

"Should we go home?" He asks leaning away from my lips slightly.

"Yeah. We should." I smirk at him. Walking around him to his car, swaying my hips slightly.

Had to make Mia a good one she's just too hot.

Hope everyone's okay🫶🏼🫶🏼!

1461 words.

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