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Marjorie's POV

I've been for around an hour and half now. It's 12.47pm, I'm halfway down a bottle of wine, slightly drunk and I'm rethinking every choice I made earlier. I could've given her chance to speak. I could've heard her out. I could've given her a chance. She's one my closest friends; and I shut her down and dismissed instantly just because I don't like Mia? I'm practically letting Mia come between us which is probably what she wants. I should probably go back and apolo- I heard the door knock. Who the hell? I went down the stairs, not before almost falling down them first, and open the door to Charlotte. Standing there in the pouring rain, shivering, soaked with no coat. It also looks like she's been crying. I did this.

"Oh my god Char, what are you doing here? Come in quick it's cold." I quickly drag her in my house and turn the heating on.

"I- I had to come here and say sorry. I should've told you. You're my best friend and I'm now involved with her worst enemy I-
Are you drunk?" She starts but I cut her off.

"Okay enough of that, for now, Yes I'm a little bit drunk but that doesn't matter. I'm gonna go upstairs, get you a change of clothes and a blanket, make us some coffee and then we're gonna talk about this. Like adults okay?" I rest my hands on her shoulders, rubbing them gently as I speak. She nods her head but still looks down at her hands.

"Alright. Wait here I won't be a minute." I run upstairs quickly. As soon as I see her, I sobered up. She looks so sad and it's my fault, I should've given her a chance. I should've trusted her. I grab some of my clothes and a massive fluffy blanket before running back downstairs.

"Okay, take these and go get changed. I'm gonna go make us coffee. Meet me in the front room." She walks off to the bathroom and I make coffee. I'm so nervous for what she has to say. I mean if she's happy, it shouldn't matter. Right? After 5 minutes she walks into the front room and sits down next to me, pulling the blanket around her and sipping her coffee.

"Okay, before you say anything Char I want to just say that I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I should've heard what you had to say and trusted you because you're one of my closest friends and I'd trust you with my life so I should've trusted you on this." I express.

"It's okay Marjorie. I spoke to Carly before I came here, she said you might've freaked out because Mia has hurt you and others and you didn't want me to get hurt. And I should've told you this but the reason it all started with Mia in the first place was because I thought there was something deeper with Mia that made her the way she is, so I wanted to find out if I was right and what it was. Turns out I was right." Char puts her coffee down on the table and I can tell this is becoming serious.

"Okay...go on." I put my coffee down too and turn to face her fully.

"Well Mia told me she's been looking for her dad for years. He walked out on her and her mum when she was little, apparently she's been trying to find him with the 'help' from Roger. Seems like he wasn't very helpful because she gave up with him. That's how I found this all out. Well, that and because she broke down to me when she was drunk."

"Hang on, wait a minute. Why would the owner know where her dad is?" I'm really confused.

"Because Mia's dad ran off with Reese and Autumns mum." She states.

"Oh my god." I now realise why they never talk about her.

"Yeah I wanted to tell you but I had to wait til you got back. This isn't the type of conversation you have over the phone." She says, smiling sympathetically. "But that's not all..."

"What do you mean that's not all?"

"She didn't tell me this..But she implied that whatever she's been doing to you and the psycho siblings has been coming from their dad and not her. So I did a bit more digging-"

"What do you mean digging?" If she did something illegal for Mia I swear...

"It's nothing against the law like you're thinking. I promise, I told her about my divorce so she would wind up telling me more details. Like a trauma for trauma sort of thing." Char reassures.

"Oh right. And what did she say?" I ask not sure if I want to know the answer.

"Well it turns out it wasn't Mia who had a problem with Reese and Autumn being close...It was actually Roger." She mumbles.

"What?! But why??"

"Not even Mia knows the answer to that. He told her to just make sure she keeps Reese on a short leash for details about her dad. And everytime they broke up it's because she got sick of waiting and tried finding him herself..but she'd hit a wall everytime and go crawling back to Roger. Hence the flowers." Charlotte explains. And it makes so much sense. Everything that's happened over the past months, everything now falls into place. Why Mia never got fired no matter what she did, seeing Mia and Roger in secret meetings. Everything adds up, except...

"But what about everything with Kenny? And getting Reese beat up? Who were those men?" I have a million questions I need answering.

"Kenny was also a ploy for the whole thing with Roger. Expect it was Sibhons idea instead. Kenny was just to try and get between you and Reese because of how close you and Autumn are.. he was worried if Reese fell in love with you and stayed with you, he'd have contact with Autumn at all times no matter what he did. And the men were Roger's friends. He was mad Reese wasn't following what Mia said and sent Mia with them, apparently she told him no so many times but then he brought up her dad and...she just wants to know who her dad is." Charlotte finishes. And I'm in complete shock.

"We need wine." I say and stand up, running straight to the liquor cabinet and grabbing 2 bottles. One for me, one for Char.

"Here." I say handing it to her.

"Thank you." She says and we both open the bottles taking big gulps.

"Today is gonna be a long day." She says and I nod my head in agreement. "And it's only 2:30" she sighs looking at her phone.

"We need to call Reese and Autumn here immediately." I say pulling out my phone.

This chapter was intense😂😂 thought I'd give you a second chapter since you had to wait so long and the last one is so short.
Hope you all enjoyed and I hope you're all okay and well!!

1202 words.

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