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We're all looking between each other, and Reese finally speaks,

"Marjorie, I can't explain it right now but you need to stay away from me, it's dangerous okay?" He's quiet when he speaks, which is new for him. He normally speaks like he owns the world. Me and Marjorie lock eyes, she looks so fed up. Ignoring him completely she runs upstairs and we hear her bedroom door slam shut, Reese goes to follow her up but I grab his arm and drag him out of the house.

"No. Not anymore, it's not your place. You hurt her. I got her." I say to him, my hand on his chest. He nods at me, then Mia and Kenny walk up next to us.

"What are you doing here babe? Didn't I tell you to stay away?" She gritted her teeth, I swear I could slap her again.

"Yeah, I was dropping Marjorie's stuff off that she left at mine." He lied clearing his throat.

"Oh." She said. "Good, now let's go." He walks away with Mia but Kenny is still standing here.

"Oi ratface, take this creep with you aswell!" I scream. Mia rolls her eyes but walks back to drag Kenny with her aswell. As soon as I'm sure they're gone I close Marjorie's front door, walking up to her room. I knock quietly,

"It's me Marjorie. He's gone." I say after she doesn't open the door. 30 seconds later she opens the door, she must've washed her face or put on a bit of makeup because her eyes weren't puffy, she didn't have tear stains anymore. She looked more alive than 10 minutes ago.

"Thank you." She whispers, opening her bedroom door for me to enter. I was right she's going her makeup,

"You coming into work today?" I ask siting on her bed. I'm not sure if she wants to talk about what's going on with Reese or not but I don't think she would just shut herself in her house away from everyone. That's not Marjorie, she's a strong woman. She works through everything even when she's not supposed to.

"Of course I am. When do I ever take time off? I might be a little late because I forgot to set my alarm but I'm not going to waste away in bed over a man thank you." She snaps at me. Ah Classic old Marjorie is back, this will be fun.

"Good. You can drive with me then." I smile at her. She rolls her eyes.

"Autumn I can drive myself. I don't need to be treated and looked after like a baby just because a boy left me. I'm fine." She sighs heavily, she's a fat liar. She's not fine.

"But he wasn't just a boy was he?" I ask, although I already know the answer. Marjorie just looks at me, with a "you know the answer to that" face. It's my turn to roll my eyes.

"No he wasn't. And he still isn't, but that doesn't mean anything's gonna change. I'm still not a child."

"I know Marjorie but you do love him. And it is hurting you, pretending it isn't will not help. Let me help. I want to help which says a lot since it's me." I added a joke at the end, it made a giggle a little which is good enough for me. "Keep getting ready and meet me in my car okay?"

"Okay fine." She smiles at me. "Thank you."

"It's no problem, it's what friends are for I've heard." I walk out leaving her alone, waiting in my car for her. I thought I'd be waiting ages but she opened the door ten minutes later.

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