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Hey how's everyone today?


He's back with Mia. I know it. She's blackmailed him again and now he's back with her, there's no other reason he would break up with Marjorie. He's besotted with her. I get out my car and bang on his front door. I'm having absolutely none of this, Marjorie was finally happy. She finally had what she deserved, this rat is not interfering.

"Hey Autumn." Reese opens the door in a cold manner, much like the one before we found out about what Mia was doing. It sent shivers down my spine, I just knew it. I kicked him in the shin as hard as I could.

"You left Marjorie?!" I screamed. "You fucking idiot, you broke her heart. Don't you think she's been through enough?!" I was screaming at him, louder and louder.

"Autumn, it just wasn't working with her. He sighs. "It works with Mia, it's simple."

I kick him again. "You fucking idiot! Mia's a bitch and everyone hates her, Marjorie is the best woman you can get. And I swear if this all because of her silly little threats, i'll kill you. She'll hurt more over the fact that the man she loves left her more than anything Mia can dish up. Let Marjorie take her own risks she's a full grown woman."

"Aut-" My brother goes to speak but Mia comes to the door.

"Babe- Ugh. Autumn."

"Rat." I say crossing my arms.

"What are you doing here?" She steps out infront of me, if I have to swing for her again I will.

"This is my brothers house. I can come here if I want to, what are you doing here?"

"Havent you heard the good news? Me and Reese are finally back together, I told you Marjorie was only a phase." That's it. I grabbed her hair and smashed her head off the side of Reese's front door frame, she punched and slapped but it did nothing whatsoever to stop me. I kicked her til she dropped unconscious.

"Autumn stop hitting my girlfriend. Me and Marjorie are over, there's a reason I cannot disclose. It's private."

"Yeah? Well at least tell her. Because she's going insane in her office, going through every bit of paperwork that's ever existed probably running everything over in her head thinking she's the problem. And it's really because that dumb bitch said something, you can say it isn't but I know it is."

"It is not because of Mia. It was all my choice, now please leave."

"Reese, I swear to god if you don't fix this.. I will never speak to you again. Fix it, and soon." I walk off. I can't believe he's letting her control him again, I can't even get him to admit it this time. I get back to the nursery in less than 20 minutes and run straight to Marjorie,


"Yeah Autumn." She looks up at me and I don't have feelings but my heart breaks for the first time ever. Marjorie is very special to me and I don't like seeing her sad, everyone may think I'm a cold hearted bitch but I have empathy.

"Marjorie. He's back with Mia, she's done something or threatened you probably I don't know he wouldn't say. But he's back with her and I know it's not off his own accord I don't care how much he says it is."

"Oh. Well. Good for him I guess." Marjorie whispers and puts her head back in her paperwork.

"We'll aren't we gonna do anything about it?" I ask her, I've never seen her look so drained before.

"What can I do? It's over now Autumn, let him think he's protecting me if he wants to. I haven't got the energy." She looks at her watch and stands up. "Anyway it's gone 5. I'm going home, I need sleep. It's been a long day."
She leaves the office, but I still don't feel right. I need to do something but I don't know what.

Marjoreece 🫶🏼.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt