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2 posts in one day?😦

Marjorie's POV

Today me and Autumn decided to take the day off work to go drown my sorrows in day drinking, we told Reese it was a 'girls day' so he wouldn't worry about us. It's 11am and we've already started on the tequila, I was halfway down the bottle before I remembered something Autumn said the other day.

"Autumn?" She looks at me. "When you said you got home to deal with someone other than me...what were you talking about?"

"Kenny's younger brother was at my house. Apparently he asked Kenny to hook him up with someone and Kenny to set him to me." She rolled her eyes while taking another big gulp of her drink.

"Oh what did you do?" I laughed.

"I only.. threw my bin at his head." Autumn smirks. I look at her in shock which makes her laugh and down the rest of her alcohol.

"You are something else. Come on let's get a cab and go to a bar or something, just in case Reese comes here." I suggest standing up.

"You haven't gotta tell me twice." Autumn stands up immediately, calling an uber. We go outside and I can already feel the alcohol settling in my system. About 10 minutes later we arrive at the same bar from before, with Sara, as kind as she is I hope she not working right now because I'm not in the mood to deal with her..compliments? And I know Autumn isn't either. We just want to drink away this Kenny memory.

"Soo, how you and my brother doing?" Autumn smirks at me. I make eye contact with her and see the look in her eye.

"Autumn for someone who claims to find me and your brothers relationship 'disgusting' you are awfully interested in what we do behind closed doors."

"No I'm not. I just like teasing the shit out of you, gives me joy." She giggles. That's the first time I've ever heart her make that sound in all of the years I've known her.

"Shots?" I ask.

"Of course. Stupid question."

- time skip, 4 hours -

Autumn's POV

By now its quarter to 4, me and Marjorie are somewhere around 14 bottles, 9 rounds of shots and 8 cocktails in and we cannot stop laughing at the back of the bar.

"Stop everyone's staring." Marjorie cackles.

"I don't give a shit, they can kiss my ass." I laugh sticking my finger up. It's been a long time since we've let out hair down like this, it's nice. And she definitely deserves it, after everything she's been through these past couple of months alone, I'm so happy to see a smile on her face again. We're still cackling at eachother when a annoying little voice comes creeping in from the side of us,

"Marjorie. Autumn. How nice to see you guys here." I turn to face Kenny fucking Killerman.

"Um, hi Kenny." Marjorie stutters, looking down at her hands. My best friends beautiful smile dropping almost instantly. I cannot possibly have this anymore, I can't cope. She was happy before Kenny, Mia and dare I say before my brother. I know she wouldn't change Reese for the world, but she should be able to have a happy healthy relationship without these idiots interfering.

I stand up and drag him outside of the bar, leaving Marjorie to run closely behind me telling me to stop over and over again.

"I'm not stopping Marjorie. I'm not having this anymore." I state angrily. When all 3 of us are outside I start attacking him, hitting him everywhere I can with whatever body parts I can. I can feel I think Marjorie or someone trying to pull me off but it doesn't work.

Marjoreece 🫶🏼.Where stories live. Discover now