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Heyyy I hope everyone's okay!

Marjorie's POV.

Today Mia invited us all out for drinks. As some sort of apology and for us to drink away everything that happened. I'm more than happy to accept its free drinks, Reese is still weary hence why he's so adamant about dropping and picking me and Autumn up even though Char & Mia are getting a cab and she was willing to pay to get us picked up on my way but it's Reese. And Reese worries too much.

"Okay I'm ready." I walk down the stairs to see Autumn and Reese.

"Finally." Autumn says walking towards the door.

"I didn't take that long!" I defend myself but she just rolled her eyes and walked outside.

"You look beautiful." Reese compliments me.

"Thank you Reese." I blush and give him a quick kiss. "Okay we gotta be quick."

We left the house and drove to the bar. Charlotte and Mia are already sitting down and drinking when we walk in, I give Reese a kiss goodbye and walk over there with Autumn.

"Hey Char. Hi Mia." I say sitting down and smiling.

"Hey you okay?" Char asks.

"Yeah I'm good." I smile.

"What do you want to drink? I'll go get it." Mia says standing.

"Oh thank you. I'll have tequila as always, Autumn?" I ask.

"Large white wine. Please." She mumbles. Mia nods and leaves to go the bar.

"Are you okay Autumn?" Charlotte asks.

"Kind of. I'm okay because I'm used to my dad's crap but I still feel weird about the fact that my whole life has technically been a lie. I thought Mia was in the wrong all these years, I thought she deserved all the hate I gave her. But now I find out it was my dad and she didn't do anything, I was just horrible to her for something that's not even her who did it." Autumn explains.

"Oh Autumn. I've been speaking to Mia about this for 2 days, she doesn't blame you. Mia had every chance to tell you what your dad was doing but she didn't because she wanted to get to her dad. She still feels bad because she didn't stop when it went too far and caused pain for everyone for her own gain. She feels selfish and I don't think she is going to forgive herself. Don't beat yourself up too, you didn't know. No one did. I hated her when she first came too remember?" Charlotte explained. Autumn nodded just as Mia came back with drinks.

"Here you go guys. Char I grabbed you another one aswell." Mia says kissing her cheek and sitting back down...they are actually quite cute.

"Thank you." Charlotte smiles and her face turns red. So Char really does like her? Me and Autumn share a look and start smirking, apparently this caught her attention.

"Hey hey, what are you two smirking at?" Charlotte questions pointing between us.

"Nothing." We giggle at the same time.

"That's bullshit and you know it. I see the smirk on your faces, dumb and dumber. Tell me what you are up to." She says pointing at us. First of all, I'm just offended she called us dumb.

"Excuse you, we are not dumb thank you very much. And we are not planning anything." Autumn says still smirking. I'm gonna let Aut do all the talking because I cannot lie to Charlotte. Because we are sooo planning something and we haven't even spoke to each other yet.

"Marjorie. Speak." Charlotte looks at me.

"We are not planning nothing." I stutter out.

"You're a liar." Char says again. Mia is laughing, she's finding this highly hilarious. I sip my tequila trying to stay out of this. But Autumn whispers stuff about them in bed in my ear and I start giggling with her.

"Alright enough. What are you talking about within your twin telepathy?!" She exclaims.

I look at Autumn quickly before just saying it. "We are not planning anything. We are just laughing because the sexual tension between you two is real and I don't know how I didn't see it before." I finish downing the rest of my drink.

"I'm going to get us more." Aut says standing up.

"Yeah grab us a bottle." I shout as she walks away. I turn around and Charlotte is looking at me in shock and her face bright red.

"What?" I ask laughing slightly.

"The sexual tension? What do you mean?" Char says and I see Mia roll her eyes.

"Oh Charlotte. Don't act like you don't know, I get you're new to the girl on girl thing but you know when there's sexual tension and you've been letting it build. Let it out. I still don't know how I didn't notice." I say and Autumn brings back the drinks.

"Probably because you were wrapped up in Reese." Charlotte mutters before laughing with Mia and Autumn.

"You bitch!" I joke making them laugh more. I grab the bottle and pour myself a glass taking a big gulp. "And you're meant to be my friends." I shake my head.

"Yeah yeah shut up. You know we love you." Autumn says still laughing. I smile at her, I love Autumn and Charlotte. And Mia is growing on me, now that I know she's not a complete monster she's actually okay. She's still absolutely psycho, just not a monster.

I spend the rest of the night drinking and dancing with the girls, including Mia. We had the best night and it was a good way to unwind after the last 2 day's drama.

This one is short sorry! Just really a filler tbh. Love you all🫶🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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