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Sorry this one took long, the storyline was easy but the dialogue took me a lil while to get right 😭😭


"Ugh" I've woken up with a banging headache. I didn't even come home late, god I'm getting old. I open my eyes to see that I'm not at home... I'm at Reese's? I stand up and walk downstairs,

"Reese?" I call for him. What happened yesterday?

"Hey you." He says appearing from the kitchen, kissing my lips softly once he's close enough."How you feeling after last night?"

"Not gonna lie, I'm feeling a little bit delicate." I wrap my arms around him.

"You rang me to come and get you at 10?"

"Yeah look I have not got the energy to be a dirty stop out like I was in my 20s okay? To me, 10pm is the new 4am." He giggled.

"How come Aut didn't want a lift home last night?"

"I don't know. She was just adamant that she wanted to take a taxi instead of getting a lift with us."

"Hm, weird. Well we gotta go over there to get your car. Go get ready beautiful." He kisses my lips and walks away. I run upstairs quickly, going to my draw in his room. Yes I have a draw in his room, he insisted on it. While getting my stuff I caught a look of my face in the mirror, I'm blushing so much. Oh my god.

I'm finally ready and we're in Reese's car, we decided to get coffee first now we're driving to Autumn's.

"Soo.." Reese clears his throat. "Did you uh, see that waitress from the other night?" I smirked at his question, this is the one time I can make him jealous.

"I did yes."

"And... Did she hit on you again?" He questioned, this time looking at me because we're at a red light.

"She did, but I think you'll be happy to know I put her in her place." I smiled at him. "Although I think she has a thing for your sister. And I think your sister has a thing for her."

"Ugh I'm never gonna escape her." He groans. "Wait. What about Winter?"

"I have no idea." I say as we park up outside Autumn's. "I'm just gonna go knock so they don't think it's been robbed." I get out the car and go to knock on Autumn's door but Winter opens it before I get there,

"Oh hello Marjorie, I'm just on my way out. I need to get my lady her coffee."

"Oh alright Winter." I step out of his way.

"Bye darling." He walks out and gets in his car. I go to walk in and find Autumn but I bump into someone else.

"Oh I'm- Sara?" I made eye contact with the waitress.

"Oh hello. I'm just on my way out aswell, bye Autumn. Bye Marjorie." She walks past me aswell, leaving me in shock. Oh my god. Autumn, Winter and Sara are poly?!

"Morning Marjorie." Autumn finally comes to the door. She's absolutely glowing.

"Morning. So is that why you wanted to take a taxi home last night?"

"It would've raised too many questions with my brother, however, I see now my efforts were in vain." She rolls her eyes.

"Well I'm just coming to tell you I'm taking my car, so you hadn't thought anyone had nicked it."

"Okay. I'm going back to bed, I'm exhausted."
She walks off with a grin.

"I bet you are." I whisper to myself. I get back in Reese's car, he looks traumatised.

Marjoreece 🫶🏼.Where stories live. Discover now