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Hey, how's everyone's day going?


Marjorie and Reese left around 20 minutes ago, now I'm left in the office on my own. I'm not really sure what to do. I start picking up things off the floor, trying to make it look somewhat professional again.

"Uh Autu- Oh my god what happened?" Charlotte comes busting through the door.

"It seems my brother got into a fight." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Oh well, is he okay?"

"Yeah he's fine. What did you need Char."

"On the topic of your brother.. Mia and Kenny just left the building saying they're going to Marjorie's house."

"Over my dead body." I immediately ran out the building after them but they already gone when I got out there, so I ran straight to my car dialling Reese on the way.

"Are you still at Marjorie's?" I practically shout as soon as the phone picks up.

"Woah, calm down Aut. Yeah I am, why?"

"Do not tell me to calm down Reese! Mia and Kenny are on their way, I'm outside. Open up." I put the phone down running out my car, I ran every red light to get here. I'm not taking chances.


Reese jumped up off the bed and went to open the door for his sister. Autumn walked in to find Marjorie asleep upstairs.

"Wake her up." She said, pointing at her.

"No, why would I do that? Marjorie doesn't need to be awake for us to deal with Kenny and Mia." Reese replies. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Shut up, I know that." Autumn walks over to the sleeping woman. "Marjorie. Marjorie." She shook her gently and moved her hair out of her face. Marjorie is the only one who gets Autumn's soft side. Marjorie shifts awake slowly,

"Yeah what's wrong?" She groans rubbing her eyes.

"Marjorie-" Autumn spoke but got cut off by a bunch of loud bangs coming from downstairs, running down there immediately. Marjorie shot up out of bed, following Autumn but only making it to the top of the stairs before Reese stopped her.

"Don't go down there without me." He whispers in her ear. It sent shivers down her spine.

"Autumn did!" Marjorie exclaims grabbing his hand and walking down.

"Autumn is not you." He kisses her cheek after he says it, making her flush bright red. When they get to the bottom of the stairs, the sight..it's unbelievable. There's bricks through her windows and Mia's car is halfway through the back door. Autumn's got Kenny up by his neck against the wall.

"Hello Marjorie. Did you miss me?" Kenny says, his devilish smirk could put anyone on edge in a second. At this point, Marjorie's so tired of it all she just walks back upstairs and closes her bedroom door once again. Reese watches her closely, he can tell this is all exhausting her no matter how hard she tries to hide it. He sighs walking over to Kenny and Autumn,

"Aut. Go take care of her." She nods walking away from the boys. Reese smirks at him,

"Now it's just us 2. What you going to do now hey?"

"Look Reese it doesn't have to be like this." Kenny tries his best to pry himself out of Reese's hands, but, that just made Reese grab him tighter and start dragging him outside.

"No. It didn't have to be like this, but unfortunately you and my ex are psycho." Reese threw Kenny to the floor and simply said "Get the fuck out of here."

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