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I'm finally back at work, it's been a long 2 days. As much as I loved the time off with Reese, my anxiety just cannot handle days off work.

"Marjorie, your phones ringing." Autumn states, looking at me questionably.

"Oh god is it?" I snapped out of my thoughts, grabbing the phone quickly.

"Hello, the nursery."

"Marjorie. I would've thought you'd have caller ID by now." Reese says through the phone, I can already see that annoying but sexy smirk on his face. Makes me want to slap it straight off his face.

"Um.. No Reese I still don't have caller ID. It's not the end of the world." I giggled.

"How's my sweetheart doing?" My throat went dry, I didn't know what to say back. I was frozen and flustered.

"I'm guessing that's my brother?" Says Autumn smirking again.

"Uh.. Yes yes it is." I glare at her. "Yeah I'm okay Reese."

"You sure? You sound a bit flustered Darling."

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Lie number one. I am definitely not fine, this man makes me feel things..

"You're lying to me Marjorie."

"Okay maybe a little bit, but remember your sisters in the room with me."

"Who cares? She's heard everything else." Is he being serious?

"Uh..." What do I say? I can hear him laughing on the phone, I guess making me flustered amuses him very much.

"Do you want me to stop sweetheart?" He asks. I can't breathe. I take the phone away from my ear and take a deep breath. Autumn clicks her fingers at me, I look over at her and she's laughing like a crazy lady. I glare at her.

"Stop it!" I mouth to her. "It's not funny it's a problem!" I put the phone back up to my ear.

"Uh no. Don't stop." I say, Autumns holding eye contact and I can't help but feel weird that I'm currently have an intimate moment with her brother. She didn't seem to care too much, she's still finding the whole thing comical.

"Okay darling. What you doing?"

"Trying not to beat up your sister." Autumn starts cackling loudly.

"Hold on, is my sister actually laughing? Marjorie you've done it." He jokes. I laugh.

"She's laughing at me."

"Why? Because you can't hide your feelings for me?"

"I- what no." I lied straight through my teeth.

"Lying again are we?" I can feel my face getting hotter and hotter, and Autumn is laughing harder and harder.

"N-no." I cannot speak. "Look I've got to go, I'll see you later."

"Sure you do. Someone walking in your door darling?"

"Yes. Yes they are so bye Reese."

"Bye sweetheart." I put the phone down as fast as I can and take a big deep breath in.

"Looks like someone needs an ice bath." Autumn says, walking out. I know right. I put my face in my hands and calm myself down for a minute.

"Marjorie." I hear from in front of me, I look up and see Charlotte.

"Hey Char love, you alright?" I ask.

"Um yeah yeah, I'm fine but you um you need to come outside. Like right now."

Marjoreece 🫶🏼.Where stories live. Discover now