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How did my Marjoreece story turn into Wintumn & Mialotte too😂😂. But we love it!!! Hope you enjoy, I was slightly running out of ideas for this hence the late update and new drama.

Reese's POV

Marjorie called me and Autumn. Said she has something important she needs to tell us and we need to go to her house immediately. So now me and Aut are in my car, on the way to hers.

"What do you think she has to say?" Aut says breaking the silence we've had for the last 5 minutes.

"I have no idea.. She's unpredictable." I laugh awkwardly. Truthfully, I'm bricking it. When we pull up outside Marj's house, I have to take a minute before getting out.

"You ready?" My sister asks.

"As I'll ever be." I say as I knock on the door. 30 seconds later my beautiful girl opens the door, but I can tell she drunk.

"Hello handsome." She smirks at me. I hear Autumn fake gag in the back. She pushes past us saying,

"Ew get me inside and to that alcohol right now." I laugh at her.

"Hey gorgeous. You okay?" I say to Marj, closing the door behind me and putting my hands around her waist.

"I'm okay. Well a little upset because I think I'm about to kill yours and Autumn moods." She whispers.

"It's okay for now, kiss me." I whisper back. She leans up and captures my lips in hers. As we're kissing, we hear Aut clear her throat.

"If you can keep your tongues out of each other's throats for 5 minutes, I'd like to know why I've been called her." She sulks downing the rest of her wine.

"Sorry." Marjorie mutters, pulling me over to the sofa to sit with her. Autumn sits on the arm chair to the right of me while Charlotte is next to Marjorie.

"Okay so what is this all about?" I ask, pulling Marjorie against my chest.

"I guess I should tell you since I dug too far and found out. And I don't mean to overstep but...Well, Mia opened up to me the other night and told me something things...about your parents." Charlotte starts.

"What did she say?" Autumn asks. Gripping her wine class harder, almost breaking it. I can feel the fire burning off her.

"Autumn, calm down. Hear her out." I hear Marjorie say.

"She told me her dad ran off with your mum. She knows all this from Roger. Apparently Roger has been using her as his own personal puppet for the last 20 years for information about her dad that he never had. So all the things Mia did to you, Reese and Marjorie all actually came from...your dad. And Kenny was Siobhan's idea." Charlotte finishes and me and Aut just look at eachother. It makes sense. Perfect sense.

"Well um thank you for telling me, Reese is dropping me home now." Aut says standing up, and going straight for her coat. I stand up and follow her but Marjorie tries to stop her.

"Autumn, please. Just stay here. You take care of me when I'm going through something. Let me do the same." Marjorie says while running to her. I expected Aut to push past her out the door but instead she breaks down in Marjorie's arms. I've never seen my sister cry, ever. She just doesn't do that.

"I'm gonna take her upstairs, Reese will you stay with Char?" I nod my head to Marj.

"Just take care of her." I said, that's all I had to say.

"I will." Marj walks upstairs with Autumn and I hear her bedroom door shut. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and sat down with my face in my hands.

"Are you okay?" I hear Charlotte ask.

"Yeah I'm fine. This doesn't effect me on the slightest, I always knew my dad had something to do with Mia. I've just..never seen my sister cry before. She's not a crying person, it's just not what she does." I sigh.

"I know. But Marjorie has got her. Don't tell her I said this because I might get kicked but, Autumn is soft for Marjorie. She's soft for Winter but with Marjorie it's different, not like a lover thing but a platonic love. Winter is the love of her life but Marjorie is her platonic soulmate. They're partners in crime; wherever Marjorie is, Autumn is. If Marjorie is in trouble, Autumn is there. Vice versa. Just let them take care of eachother, they'll be fine as long as they work through it together." Charlotte smiles at me.

"Thank you for that. I needed to hear that." I whisper.

"It's okay Reese. You're allowed to have feelings you know? But don't take it to heart that they won't want your help, they have been saving eachother since they started getting along and it's not going to change because of you or Winter. They take care of each other and no one else helps, no matter what." Charlotte stands up, probably to leave but almost falls over. Out of instinct I grab her.

"It's okay Reese I'm good. I'm gonna go home now." She stumbles to the door and puts her shoes on.

"Yeah I'm gonna drop you home Charlotte." I say grabbing my keys and quickly texting Marj so she knows where I am.

"Oh you don't have to I'll be fine catching a cab." Charlotte sighs putting on her coat.

"Please I'll feel safer if I take you home. Let's go." I open the door for her to walk out of.

"Okay thank you." She slurs.

"It's okay." I help her into my car and start driving her home.

Marjorie's pov.

We've been up here for about 20 minutes now, Autumns stopped crying but she still hasn't spoken. Reese just texted me to tell me he's taking Charlotte home.

"Autumn, darling, whatever it is. Talk to me, I'll take care of you like you do with me." I can feel my thigh stinging indicating I'm bleeding again but I don't care right now. Autumn is my focus.

"I'm not even sad about what happened to me. I'm just sad the fact that my father let Kenny sexually assault you. It was his girlfriends idea, he entertained it and Kenny sexually assaulted you." She states. Oh my god. She is right, I don't notice before.

"Okay that's true but that doesn't matter Autumn. That wasn't your fault." I reassure her. "And i definitely do not blame you. I blame no one other than Kenny."

"My father is the reason you got sexually assaulted." She kept repeating in whispers, over and over and over again.

"Autumn, listen to me honey." I start lifting her face to look at me in the eyes. "Kenny was not your fault. You are not responsible for your fathers actions just because he is your father. It is not your fault. It is not your fault." I made sure to tell her as much as she needs.

"Are you sure its not my fault?" She whispers with tears in her eyes. How can she even blame herself?

"It's not your fault Autumn. Okay? It is not your fault. It never was your fault, it will never be your fault." I repeat until she understands.

"Okay. Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah of course I am. Are you?" I spin it back on her.

"Half an half. I'm okay but I'm still upset that- wait Marjorie you're bleeding." Autumn points to my leg. "You did it again didn't you?"

"I'm sorry. I'll be back in a minute." I get up off the bed and go into the bathroom. Autumn follows me.

"Marjorie sit down. Let me clean and re dress it." She says grabbing the stuff out the cupboard already.

"Autumn-" I start but she knows me better than the back of her hand. She knows what I'm gonna say.

"Marjorie. Just because something happened to me doesn't mean I'm not gonna look after you. Let me do it." I nod at her response and take off my joggers for her to clean my thighs.
She cleans and re dresses them, and then gets me a change of joggers. After we're all cleaned up we go back downstairs and drink so much wine we're passed out by the time Reese gets home.

Autumn and Marjorie have to be soft for each other. Theyre eachother person 🥰.

1420 words.

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