8. Fucking Jigglypuff

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More than 11 months later.

Status: Name Kevin Moses
Points: 94,309
Race: Human
Age: 20
Stats: Strength: 147
Endurance: 124
Recovery: 84
Soul: 20

Abilities: 5/7
Soul Tracker
Ki Cultivator Earth Tier (Middle)
Basic Shield Mastery (4/5)
Basic Axe Mastery (4/5)
Ceaseless Mind

Kevin was a man transformed. It had been nearly a year since he was first brought to the first layer of the mystical seven layers. Before entering the layers, he had found himself floating in a weird fog-scape utilizing the mysterious Shop for the first time.

Plagued by fears of finding and helping his families, Kevin selected Soul Tracker, an ability that would help him find his loved ones and, as it turned out, help him find certain monsters. Weighed down by a desire to protect his family once he found them, he selected a shield mastery ability. Riding on the backs of countless fantasy stories, Kevin also acquired Ki Cultivator, and a weapon mastery to greatly increase his combat effectiveness.

After months of being in the first layer, struggling and slogging through meditative techniques in an attempt to improve his Ki Cultivation, Kevin opened the Shop in search of an ability. Kevin found "Ceaseless Mind," an ability that improved his cognitive ability, helped him think faster, and best of all, allowed him to perfectly recall any memory he ever had. In his past he had practiced some meditative techniques, his hope was that perfect recall would make it easier to make progress. In reality, Kevin wanted the perfect recall for a much more shameful reason.

Kevin was forgetting what his family looked like. Not the big stuff, obviously he could remember the big stuff. But Kevin could recall the exact shade of his girlfriend's eyes. He couldn't recall if his 9 year old sister had a scar on her left arm or her right from when she was little and fell. He couldn't remember the favorite tv show of his 12 year old sister.

Kevin selected Ceaseless mind. . Events he was only watching take place, as well as events he was center stage for. They all came back crystal clear, allowing him to think about the memories from childhood through the lens of adulthood. He spent two full days just going over his memories, weeping at the details he had forgotten, and at the reinvigorated desire to help his loved ones.

When Kevin first arrived here, he had been scrawny, fit, slightly above average for fitness. He had relied on wood splitting techniques and military training to get by.

Now he was thick and stocky, muscular and fit. Before, he had been teased for being too skinny, lacking muscle definition. Now, he more closely resembled a body builder in bulk season. His understanding was deeper and his techniques developed.

Kevin got up as he had every day for the last 360 days. He used Light Heavy, an ability he had, to work out. As his body became increasingly strong, he had to work Light Heavy out harder to keep up. Kevin discovered that each 10 points of strength increase was equivalent to one average person's strength. This meant that his current strength stat of 147 put his strength at almost 15 times stronger than the average person, 10 times stronger than he was from before.

This huge increase in strength would have been totally infeasible, even with Ki Cultivator rapidly increasing how fast he could improve himself, except that his Strength Vambrace allowed him to increase those gains multiplicatively at the cost of additional energy and strain. Ki Cultivator took the maximum's a human could reach out and Kevin's intense training let him push boundaries. Kevin had stopped training like a human with super powers and had started training like a superhuman.

Obviously, by this point, the 100 lbs dumbbells were wildly too light for almost any exercise. With Light Heavy, he was able to increase the weight of objects by almost 100 times. He was even better at reducing item weights. Fortunately, compared to other abilities, Light Heavy was efficient on energy and really easy to keep activated for long periods of time.

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