27. Hurt One Of Us

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Kev stood up and opened the door. Alicia started knocking on doors while Kev, slowly people started walking out of rooms with various levels of trepidation. They all did a double take as they looked at Alicia.

"Hi everyone, Let's try some of this again. I have some plates of food over here, come grab them as we talk for a moment." Kev waited for people to get the buffet style food options he had lined up. "I'm Kevin, please call me Kev. I am Alicia's son and I was brought here to the First Layer in the first wave. From your perspective, I was here for a month before you showed up, so a bit more than two months total. From my perspective, I was here a whole year before you showed up, more than 13 months total."

"As you all know, you have ability slots. Some of you have abilities that are useful, probably healing abilities or maybe knowledge based abilities, I don't know the specifics. I have most of my abilities unlocked. One of them lets me share some of my points with people if I have a close enough connection with them. You might see that my mother, Alicia, looks quite a lot healthier. She is. I shared enough points with her to open up Ki Cultivator. I Strongly recommend that you all pick up this ability as soon as possible."

Kev was starting to channel his inner Military Training Instructor as he continued. "Ki Cultivator does a lot of things, you can see by looking at her that she looks younger, she looks healthier and stronger. All of those things are immediately true. It also corrected her Heart condition, though she might not have even known that yet. Ki Cultivator is, in my opinion, the single strongest ability in all of the First Layer. It allows you to overcome your limitations and move into the realm of comic book hero."

"The second ability that I would recommend immediately is a "Mastery" of some type. That is a weapon mastery like sword," Kev made an axe appear from nowhere by tapping into his ring, "axe, spear whatever. You can do shield mastery too, but that obviously lacks a certain bite. With a Basic Mastery, you can kill a monster quite a lot easier, this becomes doubly true if you have Ki Cultivator. The two pack a one-two punch that is reliable, efficient and effective."

"Before I continue does anyone have any questions?"

The tall guy answered. "Uh OK. Can you share points with any of us?"

Kev answered, "Well, ..." He made a pause and waited for the tall guy to answer.

"Derek," The tall guy answered

"Well Derek, no. The ability only works if I have a deep connection previously." Kev lied, "Points are stored in the Soul. You've all seen your soul stat, the soul is a real thing totally separate and yet part of the body. Think of the soul like your heart or your lungs or your bones. It's there, you can't see it or really even feel it but its definitely there and it has its own strength and that strength matters." Kev continued to talk out his ass, "Giving points is a very personal and vulnerable thing. I can't do it with just anyone. Even if I could, I ran mostly out of them getting her Ki Cultivator." Kev gestured again at his mom.

"What I can do, for those of you who go with me, I can probably teach you Axe or Shield Mastery. It will probably take a few days at least, but the ability can be unlocked without spending the points. I've seen it done before, I've helped unlock it before. So I can't give you points, but I can help you unlock an ability."

"Anyone else for questions?" Kev asked. "OK. Well I'm leaving this cluster. Its a cluster fuck of stupid people being stupid and I don't have the time or inclination to fix it, so instead I'm going to the center of this stupid Layer and meeting up with my own cluster." Kev paused for a moment.

"If you want to come with me, we are going to travel down that weird ass ship bridge that you might have seen. There are morankai on the bridge. I killed a whole bunch coming here, and a good sized team from here already killed a bunch too so it's probably somewhat safe to travel right now. However, it is also being watched and we are definitely going to have to kill some people to leave. If you don't want to kill anyone to leave, then stay here. If you don't want to walk down a 500 mile long bridge made of nothing but boat after fucking boat, then stay here. If you don't want to find out what the center of this Hell Hole is, then stay here. You have the amount of time it takes me to finish this large plate of food, and then I'm leaving."

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