17. Now I Just Have To Take A Detour

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One of the weird parts of the Shop was the list of mundane items. You could buy a toilet from the shop, pipes for plumbing, even a window unit air conditioner. The list of mundane items was inexhaustible.

One of the things they had that Kevin had utilized a great deal during his time in the Mystical 7 Layers was an ordinary, battery operated alarm clock. Two of them actually. Kevin didn't want to get up, so he would put one alarm across the room, and the other in a different location across from that. One alarm would get up, he'd stumble out of bed, turn it off. Right about the time he got back to bed to lay down, the other alarm would go off and he'd have to walk to that alarm and shut it off.

If he thought preemptively, he would walk from one alarm to the other to wait for it to go off, or if he was being especially tricky, shut it off in advance. But both those acts resulted in him waking up enough to be able to find the motivation to stay away and get to work.

Today was wildly different though. The moment the first alarm went off, barely 3 and a half hours after Kevin had laid down, he sprang out of bed. He drank down a recovery potion, he felt like he was living on them the last day or two, had a low-tier healing pill and exploded the door to pieces, a rather cathartic expression of his desire to get moving considering he wasn't able to so much as scratch the doors of the skyscrapers. However, that was before. Maybe with Intermediate Axe Energy he could do a fair bit better.

Kevin was running down the Ship Bridge only a few minutes after waking up. Kevin used Soul Tracker to ping Katie, then his mom then everyone else. Kevin transitioned up onto an absolutely massive ship he recognized as an aircraft carrier. The moment he landed on the ship he heard a somewhat unusual sound. The wailing cry of morankai, several of them. Kevin was running from the front of the bow of the carrier to the stern, from the front to the back. From one of the pages his Seekers found, Kevin remembered reading that the structure on top of an aircraft carrier is called 'the island'. At least twenty morankai poured from the island.

Kevin knew immediately that he wasn't going to be able to just run past this bunch, he could see that ten of the creatures were abnormal morankai. More disturbingly, they all seemed to be of a similar type. Especially elongated arms, with fingers that ended in claws resembling large cats. Kevin stopped running immediately and tapped his ring. He pulled out his bow, planted his feet and drew, tapping his ring again to put an arrow on the ready string. He infused the arrow with intermediate axe energy and reduced its weight with Light Heavy. The arrow flew at the oncoming horde with similar speed to a bullet. He didn't even necessarily try to hit any specific morankai, just firing into the horde. Kevin drew, tapped and fired another arrow before the first was there.

— Points Obtained: Points 10 —

— Points Obtained: Points 13 —

The next arrow hit an abnormal morankai. It knocked the creature down but it didn't kill it. Kevin tapped and fired another arrow, hitting another abnormal morankai, but the shot was clean.

— Points Obtained: Points 234 —

Kevin only had time for one more arrow before he'd need to prepare for the assault. He drew and fired on another abnormal to make the fight a little less hectic. There was no way this went great.

Kevin tapped his armor ring and donned his black diamond armor. He tapped his shield ring and put the kite shield on his back over his storage backpack. He tapped his storage ring and pulled out his tower shield.

Then he tapped his ring and pulled out a bucket full of items he found in the mundane section of the Shop - caltrops. He pushed some axe energy into the caltrops, which admittedly didn't take the energy well, but they did take some of it. Kevin scattered them out in front of him. Finally he tapped his ring, pulled two throwing hatchets out, infused them with axe energy and threw them at the rush of morankai just before they ran over the caltrops. One morankai was hit directly in its face.

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