22. You're A Tough One Aren't You

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Kevin left Kev to sort himself. Kevin knew he'd pack and go. It was hard to imagine what differences the two would experience. On the one hand Kev still had to go to their mom, but Kevin was already pretty sure he knew about where that bridge was. Besides who better to trust with your mom than ... well you. Kevin had no idea how big this city was, let alone which bridge to take. Kevin didn't know how many bridges he had seen encroaching on the edge of this big city before he had used his Divine Doppelgãnger ability, but it was closer to "a lot" than "a few."

Kevin didn't lose his sense of urgency, but he was able to take a sigh of relief knowing his mom would be OK, and that he would be able to tell her that Katie was OK too. He activated Soul Tracker to ping her as he continued to climb the skyscraper. He left the shed at the top to the roof of the skyscraper and peered out over the city. He needed to get higher and see if he couldn't figure something out. There were a few bridges and a particularly tall skyscraper a few skyscrapers away. Kevin ignored the bridges and used the Cloud Step shoes to climb up the fifteen or so stories to get to the top of the locally tallest skyscraper.

As far as Kevin could see, it was just fuckin' skyscrappers. He had hardly any points at the moment and decided to ping for golden morankai and the black orbs. He didn't feel any immediately but he switched back to running over the actual bridges and roofs of the city, alternating between them and Katie. He started running. The bridges between the buildings here were much the same as the bridges at his cluster. Some were good, solid construction of metal. Some a combination of metal and wood. Others rickety like rope bridges.

Because many, most even, of the skyscrapers weren't the same height, the bridges often had an arch or even stairs, some just a gentle slope, while others resembled a free floating staircase. Kevin went through all of them. He only killed morankai that would have slowed him down or hindered him at all. Kevin was pretty excited as he found two golden morankai in line with him and Katie.

Kevin never saw anyone. It was entirely possible that he was the first person in the central city. As he moved through the city, the morankai numbers started getting a little higher and he had found a couple abnormal morankai - something he rarely found on the roofs even at the center of his own cluster.

Kevin took this news to mean that he could be approaching the center of the cluster, which bore out when he saw a skyline within the skyline. Despite the skyscrapers Kevin was running on being fifty or sixty stores tall, the ones he could see now were thirty or fifty stories above that. Massive skyscrapers.

"Those are probably the central buildings." Kevin said to himself as he continued running. They were several miles to the left of him so he wouldn't have to pass by too close. Kevin decided to take a break and eat some food. Rather than stopping, he started walking, accessing the Shop and getting himself a good sandwich, pulling out a bottle of water.

Finishing the sandwich Kevin decided to ping for golden morankai again. He did not find one, but he did find a black orb. Kevin waffled between the benefits of going for the orb. On the one hand, the jump in his soul would be nice, on the other hand, it would take time. Kevin decided to climb down as quickly as possible and see if he couldn't clear it fast and go.

Kevin breathed with relief. Aside from one abnormal morankai and a few in the stairwell Kevin was able to get to the black orb with very little delay. Kevin broke the orb in the same way he had the other. It felt a bit easier than the first time, probably due to the benefits the first orb had delivered him.

Status: Name Kevin Moses
Points: 46,521
Race: Human
Soul Quality: ✪
Age: 20
Stats: Strength: 150
Endurance: 129
Recovery: 88
Soul: 31-34

Abilities: 7/8
Soul Tracker
Ki Cultivator Earth Tier (Middle)
Basic Shield Mastery (5/5)
Intermediate Axe Mastery (1/5)
Ceaseless Mind
Conqueror's Spoils (Uses Remaining: 1)
Divine Doppelgãnger (1/1)

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