9. He Isn't One Of Ours

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Kevin woke up with a sense of foreboding that he felt was likely totally imaginary. Yes, it had been a year since they came here, but there wasn't a huge reason to believe that mattered for anything.

All the same, Kevin decided to take it easy. It wasn't his usual rest day, but he decided to make it a meditation day anyway. He sat 'criss-cross-apple-sauce' on the bed and started going through his breathing. He felt the Ki move through his body and focused on expanding the meridians, making his energy denser. He zenned out for a while, which he always thought meant he was on to something, it also made the time go by faster, which was nice because meditation wasn't exactly exciting.

He went to the shop and selected a nice breakfast burrito and a coffee with some milk and also a donut - what, meditation day was also breakfast day. Kevin went to the roof, and did the rounds. Nothing climbing up the sides today. Kevin looked around, nothing anywhere today.

That was a little uncommon but not unheard of. The sense of unease grew in Kevin. The group was slow to get to the roof today, which also wasn't uncommon. Kevin figured everyone else was sitting with the same knowledge that it had been a whole year since they got there. A whole fucking year. Kevin was glad someone had kept track, because he wasn't sure he would have.

The central skyscraper his group called home would have been the tallest skyscraper in the city cluster if it weren't for the two other skyscrapers of a similar height that bordered on what would have been the north and west sides. That meant that, while doing the perimeter rounds on the south side of the building, Kevin had an almost totally uninterrupted view from the center of the city cluster to the perimeter of the city cluster miles away.

Kevin had very recently reached the threshold of Earth Tier Ki Cultivation, Kevin's eyes were excellent, further enhanced by the processing improvements of Ceaseless Mind. That meant that, when a person blinked into existence on a skyscraper a full mile away, Kevin saw it.

Kevin stopped. He just sat there looking for a long time. After a moment he blinked, took his pack off and pulled out the binoculars. His hands shaking, he put them to his eyes and looked again.

Unmistakably, a person was on a skyscraper. A person that Kevin didn't immediately recognize. It was a far distance, it was possible Kevin wouldn't recognize someone at that distance. But after a year of living, training, hunting, fighting and being with the same 74 people ... Kevin was sure. He didn't recognize that person.

Kevin used his binoculars again, he checked the streets. The morankai were almost totally absent. There were none on the roof between him and the new person, hardly any on the wide boulevards. Kevin felt his heart stop. He ran to the nearest stairwell and let out an ear shattering yell. "Get up here. Get up here, new people are coming!"

Almost as soon as he finished the sentence, he heard feet thundering down halls and up stairs. He ran back to the south edge of the building and put the binoculars to his eyes. His voice boomed out again. "Hello! You are not alone!" He waved his arms as to the new person until they seemed to maybe pick out his movement. He yelled again. "Hello, we are here!"

Suddenly Cameron was next to him. "Kevin, what do you see?"

Kevin handed him the binoculars. "A man, I watched him appear Cameron, He isn't one of ours."

"Kevin, another." Cameron said, pointing with his fingers as he scanned other buildings. "And another!" We need to organize and get people out immediately." Cameron started barking orders.

"Nessar? Nessar!" Cameron yelled and his lieutenant was there. "Organize the people, groups of two. There are already three people out there. Get pillow cases and put them on flags and round up as many as you can. The morankai will only be docile for so long. Teams of two Nessar. Go!" Nessar bounded away and started sending people out two at a time instructing them to make white flags.

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