30. How Is That An Insult ... And No

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Kevin ran until mid afternoon when finally he saw the bridge come into view. He decided he wasn't going to mess around, no risks here on out. Kevin tapped his armor ring and put his armor on. He tapped his shield ring and put it on his back. He pulled out a white flag, in at least a half attempt to look non threatening.

Kevin was still a couple miles out from Katie's cluster when he saw a small group of people approaching him from the city. Kevin was hoping they were just another group planning to go down the bridge, but he felt like it was possible that this was not a group of travelers but closer to a welcoming party.

Kevin didn't slow as he approached the group, only two ships between him and them. The group stopped on a oil tanker type vessel with a pretty flat deck that would definitely favor a larger group. Kevin wasn't worried about their guns, he was more confident in his armors ability to stop bullets now that it actually had. He pulled of his kite shield and got it in ready position, but left the white flag in his hand. He took a low-tier healing pill just in case things turned into a fight.

Finally, Kevin used his Cloud Step shoes to transition onto the oil tanker. He slowed and started walking. Kevin felt as though he shouldn't take the lead in this conversation. The group was smaller, only 5 people, but Kevin could tell they were stronger than the group he had seen. Much stronger. Kevin couldn't be sure, but he thought two of them might be almost as strong as he was physically, on top of whatever abilities they had.

Kevin waved the white flag all up until he was within speaking distance of the small group arrayed out in front of him. The group, now that Kevin was close enough to see, consisted of two women and three men. They were dressed pretty casually compared to the militia looking folks he had passed on the bridge. One was in chinos and sneakers with a hoodie. He was definitely as strong as Kevin, without a doubt. He was caucasian wearing sunglasses under long dark brown hair pulled back into a loose ponytail.

One was a woman, perhaps thirty. She wore athleticwear with a crop hoodie. She looked like she just walked out of an LA fitness, a drop dead gorgeous blonde. Oddly enough, she had a sword in a sheath on her back, otherwise she could have been on the cover of any magazine on women's health.

Two others looked like brothers, twins even. Kevin wondered if they had the Doppelgãnger ability or if they just got exceedingly lucky and got transported to the same cluster. They wore idenitcal jeans with a long sleeve t-shirt. The only real difference between them that Kevin could tell at a glance was that each had a different preference of weapon. One held a spear with a handgun on his waist. The other had a couple of daggers on his waist, and an assault rifle he held.

The last was an older woman. She was at least as old as Kevin's mother, but her presence was undeniable. She was like a hardcore grandma who wouldn't sweat beating the manners into you if that's what it took. Immediately, Kevin could tell she was strong, not as strong as the ponytail guy, or the fitness woman, but strong. The others seemed to defer to her so she was probably in charge, of at least this group.

"Hello stranger." The old woman started.

"Hello madam." Kevin responded, not lowering his shield or the white flag.

"You lost?" ponytail said.

"No sir." Kevin said, looking at the ponytail guy before returning his eyes to the woman.

"Peace Charles." The woman said, though she didn't rebuke him until after Kevin had responsed. "What are you doing here son?" The woman continued.

"I'm looking for someone." Kevin responded. Getting a little irritated that he had to answer this question again, as if these people owned the whole fuckin city.

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