25. You Were Expecting The Pope Maybe

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Kev's mom, Alicia, was pretty short, not quite 5'4". The last time Kevin had seen her, she had carried a bit of extra weight that wasn't uncommon for her extended family. Now, she was trimmer, thinner, but not in the "I've been doing great" sort of way, more in the "I haven't been eating" sort of way. Her shorter, sandy blonde hair wasn't as disheveled as Kev had imagined, their time apart really only a couple months from her perspective. It was neatly brushed to the side as it almost always was, her blue eyes a match for Kev's, who were themselves absolutely identical to Kevin's. Her face looked haggard though, the bags under her eyes making her look older than she had or was. Kevin guessed these last few months had been trying for her. She normally wore glasses, though Kev didn't see them on her at the moment.

"Kevin!" Alicia whisper-yelled, throwing her arms around him. He had to be careful not to hug her too hard. Kevin's strength stat of nearly 140 would absolutely crush the woman. She had never really been much into fitness so he would be shocked if her strength stat was currently even 4, her endurance likely even less. "Kevin." She said again. Then she froze a moment, as if only now processing something, she leaned back a little and examined Kev's face. "Kevin?"

Kev looked around as if he couldn't figure out what the problem was, he raised an eyebrow and said "Yeah? You were expecting the Pope maybe?"

"No you just look so different, I forgot that you've been here for over a year." Alicia said. "My handsome boy, I missed your birthday. I'm so happy you are here." She came back in for a hug.

She pulled away sharply, having a totally different realization. "Oh my god Kev you have got to get out of here. You can't be here." The fear and urgent tone in her voice made Kev immediately go on high alert.

"Mom, why? Wait, Are you a prisoner here?" Kev checked her window, the deep dark outside was lessening.

"Yes. They will kill you Kev. They kill everyone, you have got to go." Alicia said.

"No Ma. They won't. They can try if they want. When do they normally check on you? Do they always have so many guards?" Kev asked.

"They don't really check on any of us except if someone is hurt. They'll feed us later in the morning." Alicia answered.

"Then we have time. We are getting you out of here now. First, What abilities do you have?" Kev asked.

"I'm a nurse Kevin, I didn't have a lot of points but I took what I already was. I have healing."

"OK, good." Kev said. "Anything else?"

"No, not really." She said. "I had some stuff but they took it all."

"Yeah, not really surprised. You might be lucky that you had so little, that plus the healing ability made you not worth killing." Kev replied. "How's your heart doing?" Alicia had a heart issue that made her susceptible to easy overexertion and left her especially vulnerable to heart attacks. At her young age, she had already had one.

"Surprisingly good but I'm not running anywhere." Alicia responded.

"Did your healing let you fix it?" Kev asked.

"No, it doesn't work as well on me as it does others." She answered.

"Well we are going to fix that up before we try to do anything else." Kev responded.

"Fix my heart?" Alicia said.

"Yeah, you just need another ability, and we'll get you that today." Kev said.

"What, How? Kevin, I don't have any points."

"I know ma' me, I'll sort it all out after we get you out of here, in the meantime we have to get moving, Are you doing OK?" Kev said.

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