31. I Am The Shield

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Kevin's attention focused. He got to the edge of the skyscraper he was on and leapt through the air towards the next one. Midair he saw them, dozens of mornakai, from the looks of the ones he could make out clearly, all of them were abnormal. Kevin thought back to the streets. he'd ran the streets a bunch of times. You'd always get morankai attention, always. The more normals you drew, the more likely you were to have at least a couple abnormals. That was true for his cluster, but not necessarily every cluster so Kevin hadn't thought anything of it. But what if someone had been collecting abnormals.

Kevin was already sprinting as fast as he could, he was already moving as fast as he could, he literally couldn't move faster. Unless. Kevin pulled out four pills. A mid-tier recovery pill, a mid-tier healing pill, a calming aura pill and a boiling dragon ginseng booster. Kevin could see now that there were normal mornakai with the large group of abnormals. Worse. There were humans moving with them as well.

What if that Necrozark wasn't a Necrozark at all. It was a Beast Ally Master Type. A special, limited type ability from the shop that cost almost 300,000 points There was only one available. Kevin had noticed it when he had been searching the shop for abilities to fill Conqueror's Spoils with.. It allowed someone to break a beast and stubborn it to the will of the Master. This person must have suborned all the abnormals they could find. A process that probably took weeks, maybe longer.

The person the rest of the cluster thought was a Necrozark must have been planning to take over the cluster for a while, but had to bide their time to become strong enough to make their army. Kevin almost stopped running as he realized the strength of the people who had gone out on the bridge. Kevin himself had caused this attack. The Beast Master character must have heard that five powerful elites from the first wave had all gone to the bridge. They must have thought this was there chance to start the war. Kevin showing up had literally been the start to the fight. The desperation to find Katie intensified. In a situation like this, almost everyone would be vulnerable.

Kevin poured his power into his armor. His shield practically glowed with the shield energy he pushed into it. He pulled out his flame axe and leapt from the skyscraper into the battle zone.

He landed amidst a pack of three abnormals and four normal morankai. He swung his axe and two normal morankai died immediately.

— Points Obtained: Points 9 —

— Points Obtained: Points 8 —

He bashed an abnormal with his shield, activating Light Heavy to lower then raise the weight as it crashed into the creature. It flew over the edge of the skyscraper like it was hit by a wrecking ball. Kevin came back in with a swing from his axe and took the leg of the second abnormal morankai. Then blocked an attack from the third abnormal on his shield before retaliating with a kick to another normal morankai.

— Points Obtained: Points 9 —

— Points Obtained: Points 89 —

The abnormal had hit the ground and died. Kevin blocked the third morankai with his shield again and kicked the abnormal that was missing a leg in the face. Then came up with an underhand swing and took the face off another normal morankai.

— Points Obtained: 8 —

— Points Obtained: 92 —

The grounded abnormal died as Kevin put his axe in its spine. Kevin faced the last abnormal morankai and noticed it was running away. That was a little uncommon. That was probably related to the control The Beast Master had, the same with the reduced points. The Beast Master must somehow make them worth less. That was OK with Kevin, he didn't really need the points.

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