Chapter 071 Letter from Da Qiao

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She came to the government office to bring him food, and she spoke softly and thoughtfully. As she approached, the delicate fragrance of her body penetrated his nose. He looked at her graceful figure about to go out and left. The various frustrations in his heart seemed to have finally found a way to be released. He suddenly desperately wanted to experience the kind of ecstasy that she could bring him once again, which seemed to send him to bliss and forget all other troubles, so he couldn't help it, and his animal nature was unleashed...

Wei Shao suddenly jumped up from the couch. When he lowered his head, he saw that he was completely naked. Looking around, he saw that the clothes he had taken off had been packed away and neatly placed aside by her. He quickly put them on and strode forward. Then he left the government office gate and rushed home without even riding a horse.

The fifth watch has not yet arrived. The half-full moon hung slantingly in the dark blue sky in the east. There were only a few stars, and the only one, Venus, was shining brightly. The street was empty, and the houses on both sides were dark. Only one or two barking dogs from an unknown house in the distance could be heard.

Wei Shao walked in a hurry, walking alone on the streets of Yuyang before dawn. When he was approaching the gate of Wei Mansion, his steps slowed down again, and finally he stopped, looking at the two lighting lanterns hanging high in front of the house that had come into sight, and he was lost in thought for a moment.

In these few days, for the first time, he deeply realized the influence of Qiao Nu on his mind as never before. Her emotions seemed to affect his emotions, so much so that in order to make her happy, he would impulsively blurt out crazy things in front of her, such as allowing her to hit him. This used to be unthinkable.

As for Wei Yan's resolute request to leave after the incident, Wei Shao was even more depressed. In the past few days, Wei Shao even asked himself, if he had not found Wei Yan in a rage, uncovered the dirty mind that was originally inhumane, and even had a fight with him, would there have been no consequences later? Are there things he doesn't want to see happen?

Wei Shao also knew that his thoughts were extremely unfair to her.

Wei Yan's life experience was very special, and he had no intention of leaving. Even without her as a trigger, sooner or later, something else might come out that would cause the brothers to break up.

But a woman, a daughter from an enemy family whom he had sworn to destroy with his own blood when he was young, had such a great influence on his emotions and even his behaviour. 

This made him feel confused and uneasy, and he seemed to have a kind of contempt for his own behaviour. A sense of self-blame.

This is why he finally returned home today. Although he was extremely tired and the nerves in his body were almost stretched to the extreme, he still restrained himself and did not want to show too many emotions in front of her.

At this moment, Wei Shao was shocked to realize that he had rushed back in such a hurry. What he was thinking about just now was that he was afraid that she would be aggrieved and sad about what happened last night, and he wanted to make her happy. As if being held back by an invisible rope, he slowly stopped.

He just stood outside the door, hesitating for a long time. Suddenly he saw the door open, revealing half of the concierge. As if he had a guilty conscience, he turned around and left immediately.

It's almost dawn. The porter, as usual, was slowly coming out from behind the door with a long hook in his hand, ready to lower the lantern to extinguish the fire. He raised his eyes and saw a figure standing not far from the door. He walked away when he saw him coming out. He took a closer look and saw that the figure behind him seemed familiar, but the surroundings were dim. Before he could see clearly, the figure had disappeared.

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