Hey, Killer

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     I hate the waiting game. I seem to be playing it a lot though lately.  My body is literally shaking with adrenaline as I try to explain to my squad mates that Xaden is on his way to Basgaith and that they should be ready for shit to hit the fan anytime now. Violet has been missing for four days and I feel more helpless with every single minute that goes by. Rhiannon, Sawyer, Ridoc, Aaric, Imogen and I sit huddled together in a circle in the courtyard. The sun is setting and I know that we need to break it up and head inside soon, less we draw attention to ourselves.
“So we are just supposed to go about our days like normal while Violet is being held captive somewhere. That doesn’t sit right with me.” Sawyer says, expressing what it is that we are all feeling.
“Yes,” Imogen says. “That’s exactly what we need you to do. It fucking sucks, but the last thing that we want to do is to notify them that we are onto them before we are ready. None of us know what Violet is going through right now and I don’t even want to begin to imagine it. In waiting for the right people to get here for us to take action, that is the best way that we can help her.”

      I know that Imogen is right, but sitting here and doing nothing is easier said than done. I make eye contact with Rhiannon over the group's circle  and hold it. She and I secretly snuck out into the depths of the castle’s cellars last night after everyone else went to bed to see if we could find any signs of where Violet was being held. We struck out, mostly because we could only check so many places without worrying about the questions that would be asked if we were caught. But at least we felt like we were doing something.

      I look around the circle into the eyes of all of the people sitting with me. We are more than just a squad or a wing, we are a family. I know that Rhiannon and I probably aren’t the only ones who have been sneaking around trying to find Violet, just to feel like we are doing something other than waiting around.
“This sucks.” Ridoc says and Sawyer grunts in response.
I notice that Imogen is watching someone lingering nearby and decide that we need to break up this little party. I hug Rhiannon tightly as we all head back to our rooms for the night.  This is the absolute hardest part of the day, when I head back to my room and there is nothing but silence and my thoughts to greet me. Thank goodness for my skills in meditation or I absolutely would be having panic attacks. I look around my room and it looks so much more bare than it did before, now that as many of my things as possible are in my rucksack.

      I go through my nightly routine like a robot, I bathe in my washroom with the last of my lavender flowers that I brought from home. I finger comb through my curly, now almost waist length red hair and braid it tightly down my back and don my normal sleeping attire of panties and the one shirt of Garrick’s that I stole before he left that hits me at my knees. I wish that I had a longer nightly routine so that I wouldn’t have so much down time. Nearly all of my letters from Garrick are packed, so I decide to sit down and write a letter to my  little sisters. I’ve sent a dozen letters or so since I got my letter privileges at the start of the year, but after the way the Reunification Day went down, I doubt that they are receiving them. I know that if they were getting them they would have written me back for sure. It’s difficult to write a letter when you know the receiver will probably never read what you write to them.

My Maude & Raine,
I hope that this letter finds you well, or that this letter even finds you.
I miss you so much you will never know the true extent. I have a secret to tell you, but I want to tell it to you in person.
Remember that favor that I asked of you before I left? To wait for me to come for you before you let dad marry you off? Well I may be coming for you sooner rather than later so if you somehow get this, please hold on.

     I fold the short note up and address it to send out to the mail in the morning. I lay down on the hard mattress and try to will myself to sleep despite all of the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. I lay there for hours, contemplating everything that has happened and looking at the moon through my small window. Wherever Violet is, I hope that she is okay. Eventually, I fall into a fitful sleep, shortly before the sun comes up.

     I am jolted awake to the feeling of someone in my room, watching me. The only light is the light streaming in through my window and my heart is racing before I open my eyes and everything around me falls away. I’m met by whiskey eyes and a massive frame, kneeling beside my bed. “Hey, Killer.” Garrick says before I am wrapped into his arms and squeezed tightly.

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