Chapter 8

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Chapter 7

Draco's POV

I almost threw up at the sight in front of me. Potter was holding Loony's hands, staring broodily into her eyes and having a meaningful conversation that probably made her smile like a lunatic. Probably inviting her to the Yule Ball, I assumed.

What is this sinking feeling in my stomach? It can't be from the jealousy the fact that Loony was asked by Potter.

Meh, I could ask whoever I wanted. Pansy has been eyeing me for quite some time.

I didnt realize I stood there for a good few minutes - Merlin, that was embarassing especially after Goyle snapped his fingers that I was brought back to reality.

"You okay, Malfoy? Your eyeballs looked like they were abour to fall off," Goyle stated.

I staggered with my words - unable to form a sentence. Now what kind of excuse could I come up with this idiot to make him forget about it.

He then glanced at the direction where I was looking.

"Loony? Seriously?" He asked, disgust was consipucous in his voice.

"Of course not, you dimwit!" I spat, trying to conceal the fact that Loony has perpetually clouded my mind.

"Yeah, right," he rolled his eyes and left. I sighed in relief as he dropped the issue.

Stop thinking about her, Malfoy!

Short chapter. Sorry!

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