Chapter 13

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Luna's POV

I've been smiling to myself like an idiot the whole week. Images of what happened a week ago still freshly etched in my mind.

Why am I feeling this way? Do I have a crush on Draco Malfoy?

No! That can't be it!

Even Cho has been questioning about my weird behaviour lately but how do you explain that you're going to the Yule Ball with the Slytherin Prince who's a jerk to everyone but then you also kind of like it because...

I couldn't explain this feeling. I need to get rid of it.

I took some powder my dad stashed for me. It is infused with some herbal ingredients from magical plants. I read the label:

This powder, infused with the leaves of mistletoes will keep the wrackspurts away from infecting your brain. Reapply every two hours. Wait a few minutes after applying to get the results.

So I dab the weird-smelling powder all over my body and waited for a few minutes.


My head is still full of Draco Malfoy. The diabolical boy. The only light-blonde haired in school (apart from me as well) and had bluish-silvery eyes that shone when the sun hits. I cant explain his eye color. Sometimes its blue, but when the sun hits, it looks like the silvery stars that could outshine the constellation. And when I held his hand, he didn't even flinch. My own group of friends were sometimes uncomfortable with me - but Draco never pushed me away in public.

Sigh...there's no denying about it doesn't it? I oficially have a crush on Draco Malfoy.

I plopped onto the bed and for once, I allowed my brain to think about him.

Draco's POV

I owled my mother, informing her about the dance and she sent a custom-made long black robe with slightly pointy collar, with a custom white inner shirt to compliment it, a vest and a bowtie. My mother rarely showed any love too, but my parents always wanted me to look the best and as a Malfoy - according to them - we need to look the best, adorning the most expensive fabric, and present our very own Malfoy charm.

Though she was surprised I'm not taking Pansy or Astoria, I still didn't reveal to her who I'm inviting. Well, technically I didn't invite Luna on my free will - rather it was a spur of the moment thing. My family - my father particularly won't be keen to hear that I'm going with a Ravenclaw. The weird girl who's shoes are always missing but blame it on the Nargles.


My father will surely hear about this if the rumours spread around the school like fire.

Though I'm scared of father, I will worry about that later. Spending time with a certain blonde girl is better than thinking about my family and the Dark Lord.

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