Chapter 15

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Draco's POV

"Lovegood, wait!!" I called our to her but that mudblood was grabbing her arms and within seconds they're out of my sight.

My chest tightened and the I could feel as if the walls of my ribs expand and could burst and my organs would spill out anytime. I could feel heat rose through my body, and my brain had trouble focusing. Crabbe and Goyle's voice suddenly became muffled - I hastily went to the direction Luna was heading - ignoring the others who called me from behind.

Why am I feeling line this? Why am I worried for Looney?

I decided to deal with those thoughts later and rushed only to find Dumbledore standing there - Luna nor Weasel bee or Granger was spotted. I was too late.

"What are you doing here boy? You're not supposed to be here!" Filch sneered, trying to sound menacing but it made me want to laugh.

"None of your business you filthy squib!" I spat as he grabbed my arm. I tried to push him away, but why the heck is this squib stronger? He then pushed me to the ground, and I groaned from the impact.

"Idiot." I muttered under my breath.

Within minutes the contestors dove into the lake and Potter looked hesitant, so he was the last to go in. He winced and struggled as if something was consuming inside of him.

Useless Potter. Now who am I to rely to save Luna? The only time I wished Potter would not fall on his ass.

Clock is ticking. 30 minutes have passed. No sign of life on the surface.

Relax Draco. She's a Looney, and she'll be fine. If she can walk barefoot to the forbidden forest alone in search of some unknown creature - an hour under the water would be nothing. Right?

"What's up with you mate?" Blaised asked, stood beside me. "Nothing." I lied, but I'm pretty sure my nervousness are beginning to show the more I deny it. Blaise didn't press it further, knowing I would drop the subject abruptly.

Finally after another 20 minutes, something apprared out of the water. There was a first year kid beside me, holding a binocular which I snatched and peeked into the lens only to find Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang.

Bloody Idiots, I muttered and shoved the binocular back to the first year. Frustrated, I smacked his head as he cheered and lowered his beanie to his eyes, and left to go to another stand where I can watch closer.

More figures appeared as the clock made a loud ticking sound, and last was Ron and a younger girl. Then Potter flew up and landed on the stands - his peasants making through for him.

His loyal servants surrounded him in just seconds - boys all worried and girls swooning and fangirling over him.

Did anyone not notice Looney Lovegood is still trapped underneath? Without much thought, I shoved everyone in my way - heating to the Scarhead.

I grabbed his shirt - soaking wet and trembling from the coldness - but I didn't care:

"Potter, where's Lovegood?" I asked angrily while shaking him vigorously. He looked at me blankly, his expression a mere shock at the mention of Luna's name. I knew instantly that Scarhead had completely forgotten about ner.

Adrenaline gathered my nerves as I removed my jacket and shoes. Others were staring at me - bewildered. And Crabbe and Goyle rushed to my side.

I ignored their attempts to foil my next course of action as I sped up to the edge of the stand before they could grapple me.

I took a quick but deep breath, and jumped into the water.

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