Chapter 23

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Draco's POV

Malfoy Manor

It was a short winter break when I returned home, not thrilled in the slightest to meet my father who is outraged by my relationship with Luna. I received an owl from him a few days ago, apparently there was a "whistleblower" who fed him information of me and Luna riding the broomstick at the Quidditch stadium - all smiles, eating, and kissing passionately. Passionate is not the right word to describe..yet. It was my first kiss, hell, it was her first kiss too, so two inexperienced people snogging was amusing, the least to say.

"Your father is waiting, Master Draco," Dixie the house elf informed well bowed to greet me at the door.

The Manor is huge, so sometimes it could be an exercise routine just to walk in the hall and to my father's study.

There he was, sitting in an armchair in the opposite direction, his cane propped securely on the side of the table. I can feel he disappointment aura flowing through the bleak room, and I knew I had to prepare myself because the scene coming next won't be pretty.

"Father," I mumbled, merely greeting but mostly sounded like what punishment would it be this time?

He turned around and I saw his silvery grey eyes piercing through my bluish-grey ones, his long-blonde hair looked slick as usual, and his skin looked like a vampire in the dark Manor. Sometimes I think he is secretly a dracula.

"Hello Draco. You're back pretty early," he stated.

I gulped. What difference does it make? Early, late, nothing would ever satisfy this rigid Death Eater.

"Sorry, Father. I caught the earliest train as soon as possible, and," I paused, not knowing what more to say. "Here I am." I gave him a look that says your son is back early and you should be grateful for it instead of complaining.

"Hmmm." He mumbled, and stood up. I swallowed hard, because every time he stood up, my nose will bleed sooner or later.

"I see you're having fun alot lately. How's your studies going?" he asked, his silvery eyes once again stabbed my soul like a knife.

"Yes, my studies are doing allright. I did my homework as usual, I even got the best marks in Potion," I said rather enthusiastically, hoping he would at least be proud and spare me the impending father-son "lecture".

"Only Potions, Draco? I see that mudblood is still the best in every single subject. You can't be good in broomstick and boiling ingredients only Draco. You must be more than that. Speaking of broomstick, I see that you put into good practice. I bought you Firebolt so you could find a way to beat Potter and be the best seeker of Hogwarts but instead," he paused, and moved to be in  proximity to me. "You used it as a magic carpet. And you snogged the life out of that Lovegood girl."

I looked down, trying to display as much guilt as possible.

"We were just friends father. The kiss was unintentional. It won't happen again," I assured, my heart begging that he won't..

"Crucio," he casted the unforgivable spell that made me convulse to the ground and groaned in pain.

Every fiber of my being felt like it was lit up with fire, and with that amount of pain, I couldn't scream nor focus on my breathing.  Heck, I couldn't even breathe.

Just kill me, please.

I continue to withstand the torture which happened over a minute, and gasped for air once it was finished. I took in loads of breath that was delayed during the torment, and tears started forming. I was in a huge amount of pain, but also I was disappointed that a parent would do that to their child. I was hurt by my father, how could be have the heart to torture his own son like this?

I tried to control my sobs, but I couldn't. He made me ashamed of myself for being weak, and I let him continue to do so. If I defy him, I'm scared he would come after Luna.

He then leaned to the ground where I was crying, and placed his hands on my shoulder to help me up. Halfway through, he whispered, "One more time I caught you two together, consequences you'll be facing are not yours alone. She and her idiotic father Xenophilous will end up in the cellar. Do you understand?"

I nodded fervently, imagining Luna having to be a prisoner in Malfoy Manor. I visited the cellar once, curious on how it'd look like. It was so dark that I had to bring the lantern, and cold, and barely any food.

My mind is conflicted. I don't want to stop seeing Luna, but I don't want any harm to come to her either.

"Cissy, bring him up." Father ordered, and my mom obeyed to avoid any confrontation.

"Come, Draco," she said and helped me towards my room. I grew tired after the cruciatus curse, and laid on the bed while my mother ordered the elves to bring me my food.

"Mother, do you love Father?" I asked.

She looked bewildered by my question. "Why do you ask?" she said, the pupils in her eyes seemed to dilate and it made her uneasy.

"You saw him use the Cruciatus Curse on me, yet you didn't stop him. So you must really love him then right?"

I was angry, hurt, and did not care whether I tore her inside with my words. She adjusted her body, looking confident like the confident Narcissa that she was trained for. Malfoy cannot be weak, cannot show love, and cannot show the slightest amount of kindness to a mudblood or blood traitor.

"I have no choice, Draco. I do love your Father, even if he is too much. But I can't stop him, please understand that."

With that, she turned to leave and I threw the nearest object I could reach toe floor - my mind was racing, and sometimes I wonder if I have parents. Or people who love me.

Does Luna…love me?

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