Chapter 19

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Luna's POV

Draco had to stay in the hospital wing for a few days, or at least until he fully recovered, according to Madam Pomfrey.

He finally woke up after a few hours of sleeping. He was so weak, still looked pale but slightly better than before.

"Luna..." he muttered softly, groaning as he stretched his stiff body, but then relented his actions after realizing his muscles are not ready for some movements.

" need to rest. You shouldn't be talking or getting up," I replied, slightly concerned if he suddenly wants to go to the bathroom.

He sighed and laid back down.

"What were you doing anyway? How did you end up drowning?" I asked curiously.

"I fell," he answered simply. What? Something is not right. He can't just shrug this off right?

"What? Just like that?" I pressed on, my curiosity bug has never been triggered this much.

"Yeah. I was standing at the edge of the stand and uhh..fell," he replied, still being evasive as hesitation bore in his tone.

"How did you end up at the edge?" I enquired.

He diverted his eyes from mine, indicating that I had invaded his privacy more than intended. After a few moments of silence, he looked back at me and gave a wary smile.

"Why did you volunteered anyway? As a pawn for the task I mean."

I was taken aback by his question - was Draco Malfoy worried about me? Looney Lovegood?

"Oh I wasn't a pawn, I can assure you that it was Dumbledore who instructed. They were supposed to save me and..."

"Well clearly Potter didn't save you!" He spat, his "P" pronouncation emphasized. I giggled but inside felt giddy that the Slytherin Prince was worried about me.

"What's so funny, Lovegood?" He sneered, but he looked too cute for me to take him seriously.

"Oh, back at last names again, are we?" I teased. His cheeks turned red, so now I'm kind of glad his face finally flushed, revealing some color as opposed to previous pale self. Maybe teasing him works, and I'd do anything to make him get better.

I still wondered how did he end up falling down into the lake, but maybe wrackspurts have their way of toying his brain.

"Don't flatter yourself, you're always a Lovegood to me," he replied, smirking the famous Malfoy smirk.

"Well, it's better than Looney," I smirked back, chuffed somehow I had the upper hand now. Both of us laughed, and he seemed to regain his strength as he started to sit up.

"I'm glad you're okay. I can't imagine not having a date to the ball.." I told him. He gave me a coy smile that made my heart flutter.

"Worried about me, Lovegood?" He asked, his Malfoy confidence never seemed to falter even he's in pain.

"Just worried I'm dateless," I teased, amused by our camaradarie. A week ago, I could have sworn he would hex me whenever he sees me. Maybe I should thank the wrackspurts. Surviving drowning maybe flipped a switch in his brain.

Days passed and by the time weekend arrived, excited students thronged Hogsmead - many were going for a last minute shopping for the prom dress, some just hanging around with friends, and jealous first and second years rolled their eyes who didn't get to go to the ball.

I went with Cho to a dress shop in Knockturn Alley. There were a variety of choices, but this one particular dress really caught my attention and Cho agreed. Cho already had a dress, but she was kind enough to accompany me. I told her all about how I ended up going to the Yule Ball with Draco - she was surprised, her mouth hanging open entire time I recounted the details to her. But I'm thankful for her non-judgemental comments, and she just asked me to be careful which I just agreed and take notes of some points about "boys" and "they were only after one thing in a girl".

We went to get Butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks when suddenly Rolf Schamander bumped into me and spilled some of his butterbeers on my shirt.

"Oh my. Luna, I'm so sorry," he apologized, while trying to wipe off the remnants of the liquid on my coat.

"Oh it's quite alright, Rolf," I answered, giving him a kind smile so he won't panic. He looked handsome, with his dark brown hair slicked back and light brown eyes that sparkled like the butterbeer he was holding.

I gestured him to join us as he was alone, and we catch up on things that were missing in the years we haven't communicate. Rolf and I used to be close when we were kids, both of us shared undying love for magical creatures - but I noticed he's changed after we sorted into different houses, and I don't blame him or hold grudges. Maybe this is the time to re-ignite our friendship again.

Just then, a certain blonde guy entered the Three Broomsticks with his minions behind him - shoving everyone in his way before ordering a butterbeer.

Oh, Draco needs to have his epic entrance alright.

He turned to my directions and shot a glance at me, I could see he wanted to return the smile, but iy turned out to be a glare as he saw Rolf were sitting close to me.

I see Rolf not more than a friend, though I admit I used to have a crush on him back then. His proximity didn't send me butterflies like Draco does, and I can't help wondering if its jealousy is what Draco is feeling right now.

He abruptly took his butterbeers and went seated at the Slytherin table, seated beside Pansy. Though I felt a miniscule level of jealousy, but I continued on talking and laughing to Rolf - probably exaggerated a bit to make Draco envy even more. Which works, as I can see him glaring towards my way before back to talking with Pansy.

Oh, the day of the Yule Ball would be interesting. I can't help but wonder if he's gonna stood me up on that day and went with Pansy instead.

Oh well, like my mother used to say:

Sometimes things don't always go the way it expects.

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