Chapter 14

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Luna's POV

"I can't believe Dumbledore made us do this!"

Hermione berated at the fact that Professor Dumbledore will put a sleep enchantment at us as we are chosen to submerge under the lake in order for the champions of the tournament to rescue us. I didn't mind it, but a little scared that is.

"It's gonna be fine, Mione. We have to trust Harry," Ron replied, which surprised me. He's the usually scaredy-cat one but today he is especially calm.

"Don't worry guys," I assured. "I'm sure Harry won't disappoint us." But deep down I do have my doubts - can I really trust Harry?

We headed to the Black Lake to prepare - the underwater will be our slumber site for an hour.

I bumped into Draco as he was heading to the spectator's stands.

"Hey!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Uh..hey," he replied, running his hands through his hair. He didn't have slicked-back hair today. His blonde hair fell onto his face, his bangs just above his eyebrows. He looks more handsome with less put-together hair, and I find myself checking him out. The thought of going underwater had totally disappeared of my mind a little while. He cleared his throat to catch my attention, realizing that I have been ogling him and chuckled slightly.

"Luna, we need to now. Dumbledore's calling for us. We need to be underwater now!" Ron said in a rushed tone, shooting a glance at Draco.

Draco's eyes widen, like he did not expect this. He ignored Ron and said "What do you mean you have to go underwater? Dont tell me..."

"Yes Draco. I'll be underwater for an hour. I'll see you after," i replied, hurrying towards Ron and Hermione who are waiting anxiously.

"Lovegood! Wait!" He called out, but since I'm in a hurry and Hermione hrabbing my arm, I couldnt turn around. Suddenly feeling nervous, my legs felt wobbly but thankfully we reached Dumbledore before I had a full-on panic attack.

Dumbledore muttered a soell and darkness engulfed me.

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