Chapter 20

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The day of the Yule Ball is finally here. Girls and boys took their time in getting ready - making sure they look perfect to take their partner's breath away.

Luna examined herself in the mirror. She looked elegant with her sleeveless beige dress, and her long hair cascading towards her waist - slightly curled at the end and the sides pinned together with her butterfly hair pin, embroidered with colourful blinks. Her dress was flowy - not so much of a princess style but with little ruffles at the end - just the way she like it. As for shoes, she wore a kitten heels nude sandals with a cute magical creature adorned at the outer sole. Her makeup wasn't overboard - with a touch of powder on her already smooth complexion, and a peachy blush to bring out some color on her cheeks. And for her lips, just a pink coloured, strawberry scented lipgloss would do.

She lightly spritz some of her fruity infused perfume. She examined herself once more and satisfied with her final look. She headed out to the Ravenclaw common room only to find other girls were beautiful with their expensive dresses, looking more classy and opulent.

"Hey Luna!" Cho greeted her, looking beautiful adorning her Chinese inspired embroidery dress. Luna suddenly felt insecure. She usually didn't care what people think of her, but tonight was an exception. Together Luna and Cho headed towards the Great Hall where the ball would be held.

She spotted Harry and Parvati, and noticed Hermione walked down the stairs. Harry, who was staring at their direction to look at Cho, diverted his eyes towards Hermione, who looked breathtaking in her pink-silky dress and her hair in updo.

Luna was too caught up in her moment that she bumped into Rolf Schamander again, who looked slicked in his dapper suit.

"Oh, hey Rolf," Luna said dreamily. Rolf smiled, melted by her soft voice.

"Hey Luna, good to see you here. I didn't know you were coming. I wanted to ask you, but I thought you're not the kind to attend this kind of stuff," he said, uncertainty detected in his voice.

Luna felt insulted at his statement, but remained kind and smiled - hoping Draco wouldn't stand her up here.

"Oh I didn't plan to come, but I was invited!" She said gleefully. "Who you went with Rolf?"

"Oh, Millicent. How about you Luna?" He asked back.

"That would be me, Schamander."

A confident, yet mixed with jealousy tone was heard. Luna gasped at the sight of Draco Malfoy.

Among all the boys - he managed to make her heart jump. He wore a pointy long robe that complimented his lean figure. And a white inner shirt with a vest, and a bowtie. The bangs of his blonde hair was parted to the side. His nose looked sharp, and his blue eyes with a hint of silver that twinkles like a constellation.

Meanwhile, Draco can't stop himself from checking her out. Usually she wore her radish earrings, but tonight she wore a sparkling moon one. It complimented her face that looked contented with her flawless pale skin that looked so smooth, her glistening blue eyes, and her soft pinky lips. It looks kissable.

For Merlins sake Draco, get ahold of yourself! He thought.

"Malfoy, he's your date? Come on Luna, you know better than to go with an imbecile prat," Rolf said squeamishly.

"Why are you so surprised Schamander?" Draco scorned. "Last time I checked you were with three different girls in a year. Too conspicuous even for a goody-two-shoes like you. Or Hannah Abott changed your mind after you fornicated her best friend?"

The words stung him like a bee, and he turned red. "Whatever Malfoy. This little encounter isn't over," he hissed, tiptoeing a little to taunt him straight in the face, as Draco is taller.

Draco didn't leave his grin on his face - happy that he shunned that Schamander - the grandson of the famous magical creature prowess, an odd just like him. If Luna wasn't there witnessing it all, he would've cast a jinx to knock him backwards.

"You didn't seem to like him very much," Luna stated. Draco rolled his eyes.

"He's always been a brainless troll and a player. Seeing you with him that day just makes me..." he paused, realizing that he was about to admit his jealousy, then relented. He immediately took her hand and motioned her towards the crowd. "Let's head to the ball," he said nervously.

Luna's cheeks turned pink - knowing Draco was indeed jealous of her and Rolf's encounter. Luna held her tongue in telling Draco that he looks so sexy when he's jealous.

As soon as they entered the Great Hall, Luna was fascinated by the decorations that has winter-like theme. Once the champions made their entrance and started to dance, Draco gestured Luna to the dance floor. They danced in sync to the melodious music. Draco led Luna on the movements, and she followed. Though unsure of the steps, they tried their best. Their heart beats so fast that they were starting to feel breathless.

Draco tipped her slightly, his legs bent to support her back. Their connection was so strong and their eyes locked while inhaling the air rapidly. "Didn't know you were a good dancer, Malfoy," she said. Draco smirked. "There's so many things you don't know about me, Lovegood," he replied in between breaths.

Then it was time for the slow dance. Draco and Luna made small conversations about their families, school and personal interest. Unbeknownst to them, people surrounding were staring agog at them. The golden trio can't believe their eyes, they were about to hex him when they saw Draco entered with Luna, but didn't want to make a scene.

Who would have thought? Draco and Luna. The Slytherin bully and the odd Ravenclaw sharing a dance together. Their hands clasped together, their eyes never leaving each other.

While Harry is amazed at the duo, his eyes never left Hermione. Parvati noticed this and stormed off. Harry sighed - guilt seeped in for being an ignoramous date, however also jealous Hermione happily danced with Viktor Krum.

Draco accompanied Luna to the Ravenclaw tower after the event ended. They stopped in front of the entrance door .

"That was fun," Luna commented.

"Eh, I think so too," Draco replied, amused by himself. After a moment of awkward silence, Luna said to Draco, in her dreamy voice.

"You know, even after all this, lets continue to be friends."

Draco was taken aback - he realized he hadn't even considered her as a friend, but deep down he knew he wanted more.

"Uhh...sure," was all he managed.

"Goodnight Draco. Sweet dreams," Luna wished and kissed him in the cheek before walking off to her dorm. Draco froze, and his bring his hands slowly to his cheeks - the sticky feeling from her lipgloss was still there, and he didn't want to wash his face for the night. The lip gloss smells wonderful, and wished he had the courage to actually kissed her.

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