25. Into the Bunker

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(A/N: In this chapter, I'm replacing Wendy with Dani. But Dani is not cool like Wendy so she won't be doing what Wendy does in the episode. If she does, it's altered to fit her personality and mannerisms. Enjoy!)

Third POV

It was a relaxing day in Gravity Falls. Everyone plays outside in the lovely weather or inside to escape the crowded streets. And that's exactly what Dani and Dipper were doing. Dipper had invited Dani over to have a movie marathon and was currently watching 'Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!' which they watched in the living room of the Shack.

The two sat on the yellow recliner, a bowl of popcorn between them. They watched as the current scene played out. Two teenagers played by older actors were trapped in a dead end, surrounded by zombies. Dani couldn't help but get a familiar feeling of deja vu watching it. "What do we do, Chadley? I thought they were dead!" the woman in the movie cried out as she clutched onto the man, the boombox cutting into the frame for a moment.

"Far worse, Trixandra!" the man responded. "They're... Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!" the woman screamed off-screen as the title of the movie flashed, squirts of blood covering it.

"Man, these movies are a lot less scary when you've actually fought real zombies," Dipper remarked and plopped a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

Dani laughed at his comment. "I know, right?" she snickered. "They're slow! Just power-walk away from them! I can't believe we just ran." Dani then ate some popcorn.

Dipper nudged her arm and gestured to the movie. "How much you want to bet that guy dies first?" he laughed. 

Dani swallowed her popcorn, about to respond but was cut off by the sound of loud chopping from the movie. "Aah! My face is being eaten a lot!" the man cried as a zombie attacked him.

Dipper and Dani laughed together at the ridiculousness of the movie. "Chadley ain't pretty no more," Dani commented. Their laughter died out right as Dani's phone went off. "One second." She pulled out her phone and sighed seeing who the message was from. "It's my mother. She's asking me where I am."

"Oh, yeah! Your mom. How's, uh, how's all that going?" Dipper asked, twirling his finger before eating more popcorn.

Dani sighed. "I love her, but I just wish she would trust me more," she said. "I mean, I'm not always trying to put myself in danger."

"And you're not..." Dipper cleared his voice, "Not like, gonna stop going on adventures or..."

"Oh of course not! That means I couldn't do my favorite things with my favorite person."

Dipper blushed knowing Dani was talking about him. "Right, right," he laughed. He thought now would be a good time to tell her how he felt and was in love with her. She should feel the same if she made that comment, right? Dipper sucked in a deep breath and laughed nervously. "So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to maybe if, you know, you and me, whatever. I mean if maybe you..." he trailed off as he stared into her eyes. She stared back, curiously. He then mentally slapped himself because he felt he had to chicken out. He grimaced. "...wanted to join me and Mabel on this mystery hunt tomorrow? Conspiracy stuff and all that? That's all."

Dani beamed. "Absolutely! I love the mystery twins!" she giggled. She then turned her attention back to the movie. "Uh oh, Chadley! Watch out!" She laughed as the main guy got attacked by zombies again.

Dipper watched her as he carefully pulled out a note on yellow paper addressed to Dani—his love confession. "Yeah, the mystery twins," he repeated. "You love us both." He looked at the note before crumbling it up and shoving it back in his vest. "Equally..." He slumped back in the chair.

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