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Minseok was sitting in her classroom. Her chair was near the window, at the last. She was staring out blankly, the word 'Why?' Circulating in her mind.

"Get over it, Minnie." Minseok turned her head to see sehun standing behind her. Sehun was her best friend. She went over and sat on her seat, just infront of Minseok's seat and looked back at her,"He's not coming for you now." She said.

"You don't know that." Minseok pouted and Sehun pinched her cheek saying, "Its been a month. More than a month actually and he didn't even call you."

Minseok slumped back into her seat, "It's because he has a reason."

Sehun raised her brow and was about to say something when a voice followed in, "What sort of reason?"

Both of the girls turned their head to see Luhan sitting on the chair next to Minseok's. 

"Well....." Minseok started," I talked with Jongin and he told me he's afraid of coming back here."

Sehun and Luhan looked at each other confused but Minseok didn't stop,"His mother died here."

They both made an 'O' with their lips.

"He can go to another city but he still doesn't have the courage to come to Beijing...." Minseok rested her head against the window. Sehun and Luhan felt a bit bad for her.

The bell rang and they all sat straight for the class.

After school, Sehun and Minseok were walking home together. They both lived near to each other. They stopped at the footpath when the signal turned red.

"What are you gonna do? Nothing will work out like this." Sehun said.

"I don't really know, I'm thinking." 

"You really are stupid too you know, If he didn't call why didn't you call ?"

"I don't know, what will I say?" Minseok was flustered. "It would be awkward since I already confessed my feelings."

"So you would talk to him, if you forgot you confessed?" Sehun raised her brow.

The signal turned green, both of them started to cross the road, Minseok was looking at sehun, "Who knows, might work."

Suddenly she heard a honk from the opposite direction. It seemed really close and by the time Minseok turned her head the car was only inches away.



Jongdae was in his office staring out of the window, he kept on sighing and cursing himself for being a coward. 'I should have atleast called her....' 

He was still in the middle of his thoughts when his secretary came running in, "Sir!! Sir!! There's a big problem."

Jongdae looked at him unamused, "What happened?" He asked calmly.

The secretary shook his head,"Miss Minseok was in an car accident, she's in the hospital right now."

"What?!?!" Jongdae stood up, he couldn't believe his ears. "Is it bad?!!!"

"No, sir, she's fine, she only sustained minor injuries, but...."

"But... What?" The silence  was killing him.

"It seems she may have forgotten bits of her memories."


"Her recent memories..."


"Most likely the time she spent with you."



Authors note

           Yay!! We're back to Xiuchen. Jongdae sure as hell is stupid.

Poor Minseok she got in an accident.... Terrible experience, not that I've been in one.

But yay! New members are here, Sehun and Luhan! Yay~~!

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