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This is kind of like a part 2 to secret.

The triplets and Y/N live to gather in Boston without their parents. And nate lives with his parents.

                       Y/N POV

I ran out of bed and to the bathroom, leaning into the toilet. Nate ran after me and rubbed my back. Once I was done, I leaned back into his arms and sighed.
"Are you sick?" He asked, kissing my head.
"No, I feel fine," He chuckled. "Then why were you throwing up?" I got up slowly and grabbed my toothbrush.
"I don't know, just ignore it." I said, putting on toothpaste and brushing.
This had happened almost every morning for a week. But I wasn't going to tell him that.
"Ok," he said questionly. Once we were both done brushing our teeth, I smiled up at him. He leaned down, kissing me and placing his hands on my hips. I returned the kiss and wrapped my arm around his neck. His hands migrated to my ass and gave it a firm squeeze. "Hey!" Someone yelled, we instantly broke apart and turned to them.
Nick was standing in the doorway. "What do you think you're doing?" He said, pointing at Nate.
"Kissing my girlfriend." He said quickly. "And where were your hands?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at him.
"I don't control my hands. They just go where they want." He said. His hand  made its way to my ass slapped it.  I gave him a sharp look, and Nick looked furious.
"Nathan!" He called before lunging at him. Nate made it out of the way and ran. Nick quickly chased after him, me following close behind.
"Come on guys, don't be childish." I yelled, running down the stairs. Matt and Chris were eating cereal at the table, watching  it happen. Nate was running for his life as Nick was close behind him. Nate stopped at one side of the table, and Nick was at the other.
"What is all this about?" Matt asked. "Nate had a handful of Y/Ns ass." Matt and Chris stood quickly, and they all started yelling at him. He slowly backed into a corner and tried to defend himself, I stood off to the side and watched, laughing to myself.
He somehow ended up on the floor with them hovering over him.
"Y/N, help." He said dramatically.
"You brought this upon yourself." I replied. After some more yelling, they all got up and turned to me.
"He says he won't stop unless you tell him to." Matt said, I looked at them confused. Chris continued,
"So tell him not to touch you." I laughed, "Why would I do that?" Nate giggled at my response.
"Guys, he's my boyfriend, and we've been dating for almost 3 years." I paused .
"Would it be fair if any of you got in a relationship, and i told you not to touch them."  They sighed in defeat.
"Great, now that we've got this settled, I'm going to watch a movie with my girlfriend." Nate said, dragging me up the stairs to my room.

                       (3 days later)

Me and nate were cuddling in my bed. Ever since the triplets found out about us, he never wants to go to his house.
"I'm gonna go get some water." I said, getting up.
"Don't be gone too long." He called after me.
I walked I to the kitchen and saw the triplets filming a video. Trying weird food combinations.
"What are you doing?" I asked, grabbing a bottle of water.
" eating pickles and orange juice." Nick said, opening the jar of pickles.
"Oh my god, those smell awful." I said, pinching my nose.
"They smell like pickles." Chris said, laughing. I started to feel nauseous from the smell. I sprinted to the bathroom and threw up for the second time today. What the fuck?
"Are you actually throwing up because of the smell of pickles." Matt said, coming to the bathroom. I got up and flushed the toilet.
"Maybe," I snapped, walking up the stairs.
"Geez, who pissed in her cereal?" Chis mumbled. I came back to my room and went to sleep with Nate.


I woke up at 2 a.m. and shook nate awake.
"What?" He mumbled sleepily.
"I want Burger King." I stated. He sat up, "What time is it?" He asked, looking at the clock.
"Can we please get Burger King?" I begged.
"Why do you want Burger King at 2 in the morning?" He said, laying back down.
"Do you not love me?" I cried.
"What?" He shot up.
"No, of course I love you." He hugged me. "Let's go get Burger King." 
"Ok," I sniffed, climbing out of bed.

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