⚠️r@pe⚠️tried to tell you-Nate

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There is rape in this story, be aware, and please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable.

I'm gonna use the name Josh again, but this is completely different than misunderstood.


"Let's go to Josh's." Nate said, I frowned.
"Uh, I think I'm gonna stay here." I said, trying not to act weird.
"Why not? You never go to Josh's with me." He pouted.
"I'm just tired." I said, coming up with an excuse.
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." He said, giving me a quick kiss.
I sighed out of relief.

Josh is the triplets and nates best friend. So I see him a lot, when he's will my brothers, or my boyfriend.
They met about 6 months ago. Their friendship went from zero to a hundred quickly. As soon as they met him, they loved him.
I couldn't say the same.
I felt like he always looked at me weird, and always tried to touch me. Whether it was a hand on my hip as he walked by, or even a simple high five. He always just made me uncomfortable.
I never said anything because he never really did anything. Until after about a month. He would openly stare at me, not caring if I noticed. Then he started putting his hand on my thigh. I always tried to push it away, but he wouldn't budge. He started complimenting me, not in a friendly way.
So I tried to talk to nate.


"Hey nate, can I talk to you?" I asked, looking up to him.
"Sure, what's up?" He asked, turning off his phone.
"It's Josh," I sighed.
"He just makes me uncomfortable." I said, he looked confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, like, he always complements me, and like stares at me weirdly. And he puts his hand on my thigh." He looked annoyed.
"I'm sure he just means it in a friendly way." He dismissed me.
"It just makes me uncomfortable. And-" he cut me off.
"I don't really like how talking about my best friend. Drop it. You're just being dramatic." He said, going back on his phone.
"Oh, ok." That wasn't what I was expecting. I thought he'd talk to him, at least. I probably am just being dramatic.

(End Flashback)

I tried to ignore him after that. But sometimes, he would squeeze my butt and just not say anything. I started to avoid him like the plague.
Then about 3 months into knowing him this happened.


The triplets went to get McDonald's, so me Nate and Josh were sitting in nates room. Nate got a text and stood up.
"I have to take the trash out." He said, starting to walk out.
"I'll come." I said following him, he turned around.
"You wanna take out the trash with me?" He giggled, I nodded.
"Thanks, but I think I can do it myself." He said, kissing me on the head and leaving. I sat on the bed awkwardly as Josh sat on the futon.
"What? You don't like me?" He said creepily. I stayed silent. He stood, walking over to me. I stood to backing away from him. I backed into the wall as he hovered over me. He smirked and then kissed me. I tried to push him away, disgusted.
"Kiss me back, you whore." He ordered squeezing my ass harshly. I reluctantly complied, scared of what he would do if i didn't. His hands moved all over my body, as his tongue explored my mouth. I feel so disgusting. I heard a door close downstairs and he pulled away.
"You say anything and I will kill you." He said staring in my eyes.
I nodded. He smirked then sat back down, acting normal as Nate came back.

(End Flashback)

After that, whenever we were alone together, he would touch me and kiss me, wherever he wanted, and I couldn't do anything about it.
I became more flinchy and less talkative. I think they noticed, but they didn't say anything.
But the worst was yet to come. He knew the nights I was alone and climbed through the window.
He raped me.
I didn't know what to do. Nate wouldn't believe me. So the triplets probably wouldn't either. I tried to stay at nates as much as possible, but I had to go home. Somehow, he knew every night I was home. The lock on my window is broken, I tried to fix it, but I couldn't.
I would barely let nate touch me. It reminded me to much of him.

Today Josh nate and the triplets are going swimming. Nates trying to get me to go with. But I can't they would see the bruises on my body, and Josh would look at me.
"Please, it'll be fun." Nate said, trying to convince me. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck.
"Nate -" I started.
"What's that?" He asked, moving away from me.
"What?" I asked, confused. He moved my hoodie away from my neck.
"Is that a hickey?" Ha asked, looking mad.
"No." I said, trying to cover it.
"Yes it is! Who gave that to you?" He yelled.
"Y-you did. Who else?" I stuttered.
"No I didn't! You're cheating on me!" He yelled. I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes.
"So that why you've barely let me touch you! You're actually cheating on me!" The tears fell as I searched for an excuse.
"Who? Who is it?" He yelled, still furious.
"I-i don't, I." I didn't know what to say. He's not gonna believe me.
"Who gave you the hickey Y/N!" He yelled.
"Josh." I sobbed. His eyes widened.
"Josh! My fucking best friend!" He yelled, I fell to the floor, shaking with my sobs. I'm gonna lose him, and Josh will have nothing in the way. This can't be happening.
"Why are you crying? Cause you got caught?" He yelled. I shook my head, hugging my knees to my chest.
"Then what?" He yelled.
"I-I" I tried to get out.
"I didn't want to!" I sobbed more.
"Wha-what do you mean." He asked, lowering his voice.
"I-I told him to stop. He never stopped." I cried, shaking my head. He kneeled down to me.
"Y/N, you're not saying h-he," I nodded,
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I sobbed.
"You believe me, right?" I asked hopefully, looking up at him.
"Of course I believe you." He said, pulling me to him and holding my tightly.
"You don't have to be sorry. He did this. He'll never touch you again." He assured me. I shot up.
"You can't tell him I told you." I pleaded, shaking my head.
"He'll kill me. Please. You can't tell him." I cried. He looked hurt by my words.
"He will never touch you again." I sobbed harder.
" I tried to tell you." I cried.
"I know, I know, I should've listened I'm so sorry." He said, holding me tighter.
Once I calmed down a bit, he looked at me.
"Y/N, I know it's hard, but I need you to tell me everything he did to you." He said. I nodded, starting my story. He listened intensity, giving encouraging words. When I finished, he pulled me to him again.
"Thank you for telling me. I'm so proud of you. I'm so sorry I let this happen." He spoke in my hair. He stood up, wrapping me around him, and carried us to bed.

Nate POV

I made sure she was asleep before carefully climbing out of bed, going downstairs. I'm discusted with myself how could not see this, how could I not stop him. The triplets were sitting at the table.
"Let's go," I said, motioning to the door.
"Where are we going?" Nick asked.
"To beat the shit out of josh!" I yelled, getting more mad at him, and myself.
"Why are we beating the shit out of josh?" Chris asked, confused, as they all stood up, noticing how distressed I was.
"Because he -fucking- he raped your sister!" I yelled.
"And he had been touching her and making her uncomfortable, and she tried to tell me." I sighed, their eyes were wide.
"What!" Nick yelled.
"What do you mean she tried to tell you?" Matt asked. I sighed.
"A little after we met him, she told me he made her uncomfortable." I said, running my fingers through my hair.
"What did you say?" Chris asked as they all seemed mad.
"I told her she was being dramatic." I said, looking at the floor. They all started yelling at me.
"I know! I know! I'm a fucking idiot, and I'll never forgive myself. But we can yell at me later. Right now I'm more focused on beating his ass." I said, pointing to the door. They all agreed, and we ran to the van.

(Time skip)

We beat Josh's ass and then called the cops. He's going to pay for what he did.
We made it home as the triplets yelled at me on the way. I know I deserve all of it.
As soon as we got back I went straight to Y/N. I climbed in bed, and she shot up.
"It's just me." I said, calming her down. She let out a sigh of relief, as tears welled on her eyes. I scared her.
"I'm sorry, it's ok." I said, pulling her to me carefully. I slowly soothed her back to sleep.
How could I let this happen.
My sweet girl.

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