break up with him-chris

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Their not dating. She has a boyfriend.

Greg is a random name.


I woke up to my phone ringing. I reached over and grabbed it, looking at the screen.
"Shit," I sat up, removing Chris's arm from around me and started getting dressed.
"Where are you going?" Chris asked in a groggy voice.
"Home, Greg called." I said, pulling up my pants. He groaned.
"When are you gonna break up with that dick?" He asked, sitting up, watching as I   put on my shirt.
"I can't," I sighed, walking over to him.
"I know," he said with a frown.
"I'll come over tomorrow," I said, giving him a kiss.
"Ok, see you tomorrow," he said as I walked out.
As I pulled out of his driveway, Greg called again.
"What," I said as I answered.
"I want breakfast." He said rudely.
"Come over and make me some." He said, hanging up. God, he's so entitled.

Chris POV

I walk downstairs and see Nick and Matt sitting at the table.
"Can you and your hoe shut up at night?" Nick groaned.
"Don't call her a hoe." I said, grabbing some cereal.
"Well I don't know her name." He countered.
"Oh my god, I'm not telling you." I said, annoyed.
"If you don't tell me, I'll walk in next time." He threatened.
"No you won't," I said. He raised his eyebrows.
"Wanna bet," I sighed. They're never gonna give it up.
"Fine, it's Y/N." I said quickly. Their eyes widened.
"Y/N! Like one of my best friends Y/N!" He yelled, I nodded.
"She has a boyfriend!" Matt yelled.
"I know," I groaned. Putting my head in my hands.
"But Greg is a terrible guy." I tried explaining.
"Chris, that doesn't make it right. You need to stop." Nick said, shaking his head.
"But I really like her." I sighed.
"Well do you do other stuff, or just fuck?" Matt asked.
"We do other stuff."
"Then you need to tell her. She breaks up with him, or you're done."
"But he cheats on her!" They shake their heads. I sighed, walking back up stairs.

(The next night)

"Y/N," I called, she looked up at me. I paused the movie.
"What?" She said, confused.
"You need to break up with Greg," I said before I could chicken out.
"I can't, you know what he's like." She said, sitting up.
"Ok, so I told Nick and Matt about us,"
"Why?" She asked, moving from my grasp.
"They're my brothers, I couldn't keep it from them any longer." She nodded.
"They weren't mad, but they said, you break up with Greg, or we're done. And I agree with them." She stood up.
"I hate knowing, you're not mine. It hurts when you go home to him every day." I explained. She grabbed her things.
"You knew when we started this, you said it was ok." I stood and faced her.
"I know, but-"
"Good bye," she said, walking, out letting me explain.
"Y/N," I called after her. She was gone.
Fuck. I ruined everything.


It's been a week since I walked out on Chris. I'm going crazy without him. He was the one who relieved the stress. He was my escape.
So now i decided I'm gonna do it. I'm breaking up with him. There's no good left in the relationship. I'm just scared of how he'll react.
"Greg," I said, walking into his living room.
"What," he groaned.
"We need to break up." He looked at me and shook his head.
"No, you're not leaving me." He said turning back to the TV.
"Yes I am, we're done." He stood, an angry look on his face.
"Did you not hear me bitch! No!" I backed into the wall.
"Yes, this relationship is toxic, you're constantly talking to other girls, and you just use me. It's over." He stomped over to me.
"This is only over when I say!" He yelled placing his hands on the wall by my head, caging me in.
"Please, it's done, just-" I was cut off as he slapped me. I raised a hand to my cheek.
"We are not breaking up!" He yelled pushing me to the floor.
"Please," I sobbed. He kicked me in the stomach.
"Listen to me, we're not done!" Hep continued beating me. Once he got all his anger out he left. Leaving me crying and bleeding, on the floor.
Once I recovered enough to move I gathered my things and went to my car. I imedietly drove to Chris's house. I knocked and waited. Nick opened the door.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked.
"Chris!" He yelled, leading me into the house. Chris came downstairs with bags under his eyes.
"Y/N, what happened?" He said, as he ran over to me.
"Greg," I sighed.
"I tried to break up with him." I said, hoping he would understand so I don't have to explain.
"Greg did this?" Nick asked, sounding shocked. I nodded.
"It's ok, let's get you cleaned up." Chris said taking me to the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and helped me. He finished my face.
"Where else does it hurt." He asked. I sighed, and pulled of my shirt, showing the bruises from him kicking me.
"I'm so sorry this happened." He said, gently rubbing a cream on the bruises.
"I'm fine," he looked at me with his eyebrows raised.
Once he finished, he looked up at me with a sad smile, I smiled back. He tucked a peice of hair behind my ear.
"I love you," he said, my eyes widened.
"I love you to," I said, leaning down and pressing my lips to his.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as we pulled away. I nodded, kissing him again.

(2 weeks later)

Chris POV

Me and Y/N were cuddling at her house and watching a movie, when the doorbell rang. I looked down and saw Y/N was sleeping, so I got up to answer it.
As I opened the door I saw Greg. Great.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Y/Ns boyfriend." He said crossing his arms.
"That's funny, cause I'm Y/Ns boyfriend."
He looked furious.
"That little bitch, I told her we weren't done! I'm gonna-" he tried walking in but I shoved him back out, closing the door behind me.
"You're not gonna do anything." I said, punching him.
"What the fuck!" He yelled. I continued punching him, untill he was on the ground.
"Your never gonna talk to Y/N again. Your gonna leave and never come back." I said, kicking him one more time before going back inside.
I got back in bad and pulled her twords me, kissing her head.
He's never gonna touch her again.

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