last day-Matt

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It was the last day of school today!

I got my period today and had nothing👎

Matt POV

It's finally the last day. Ever for me. I'm gonna do YouTube with my brothers after I graduate. Y/Ns actually going to college. She's supper smart. It would be a waist for her to not.
"Matt," Y/N called, walking up to me.
"What's up?" I asked, noticing she looked upset.
"I don't know what to do."She said, gripping the sweatshirt around her waist. She wasn't wearing that before.
"What happened?"
"I got my period, and my pants are ruined, and I don't have anything, I only brought my water bottle today." She said, looking like she wanted to cry.
"Ask someone else if they have anything?" I said confused, she's done it before.
"I asked like half the grade, no one has anything. And the school toilet paper won't help. And I can't keep asking around. I'm gonna leak through the sweatshirt." She said frantically.
"Ok, go to the bathroom. I'll find you something." I said, leading her twords the unisex bathrooms.
There's two right next to each other. It's a little room with a sink and one stall door with a toilet. They seem like a bad idea, but they're helpful right now.
"I'll knock when I'm here." She nodded, going in. I heard the bell ring. The next class has started, but every class is only 30 minutes, and teachers let you go wherever. There's two more classes and then the award ceremony. She has to go to that. She always wins tons of stuff.
I went to the class I was supposed to be in, and there were only 5 girls in there, sitting and talking. I walked over.
"Do any of you have a pad or tampon?" I asked quietly. 4 said no.
"I might?" One said, looking through her bag.
"Sorry, I don't think I do."
"Ok, thanks anyways." I left and saw a group of girls in the hall.
"Does anyone have a pad or tampon?" I asked. They all said no. Some people not in my grade looked at me funny.
I sighed and went to the next class, Nick and Chris were in there.
"Matt, what took you so long?" Chris asked. They told me to come here cause they were staying in here until the award ceremony.
"I'm on a mission." I said, walking to some girls.
"Anyone have a pad or tampon?" I asked hopefully. They all said no. Why did no one bring anything today? Well, I guess I didn't either.
"Bye," i said to my brothers as i left. I went to my favorite teacher next. There was a pretty small group of girls.
"Does anyone have a pad or tampon?" I asked desperately. They only had water bottles too. I turned around to leave.
"Wait, Matt." I turned back.
"Ask, Shelby, I'm pretty sure she's on her period."
"What class is she in?"
"Brewers," I sighed. He's suck a dick head, but I don't think I have another choice.
I went to his room, and everyone was in their assigned seats, whispering. I slowly walked over to Shelby, trying to go unnoticed.
"Mathew, what are you doing in my class?"
"I need to talk to shelby." I said, shuffling over to her.
"It's for another teacher." He sighed, giving me a look. I just stared back until he nodded. I crouched next to her.
"Do you have a pad or tampon?" She nodded, grabbing her back, I smiled, finally.
"Y/N uses supper, right?"
"Ya, I'm pretty sure."
"Ok, here." She handed me 3 things.
"Why so much?"
"A liner to put under the tampon, and one for later."
"Oh, ok. Thank you." I put them in my pocket. She grabbed my arm, keeping me down.
"Did she leak?"
"Ya, she said her pants are ruined."
"Ask, Victoria, she just cleaned out her gym locker." I nodded, leaving.
Where's Victoria?
I decided not to search the whole school and called her on snap.
"Where are you right now?"
"In grants?" She said, still extremely confused.
"I'll be there in a second." she was going to ask something, but I hung up. I went to the class and saw her sitting with a group of people.
"Why do you need me?" She asked.
"Y/N bled through her pants. Shelby said. You'd have some." She smiled.
"Ooooh. Ya, I do." She said, pulling up a huge backpack.
"Gray or back?"
"Um, I don't know?"
"What colors her shirt?"
"Black, for sure." She said, handing them to me.
"Thank you." I called, I went back to the bathroom and knocked on the door. It opened, and an arm pulled me in.
"Did you find something?"
"Yes." I handed her the tampons.
"Oh my gosh, you're the best." She took them great fully.
"I got you new pants too." I said, giving her them.
"Thank you." I nodded. She went into the stall and did her business. When she was done, she came back.
"What do I do with my old pants?" She asked, I shrugged.
"I'll just put um in my locker." I heard the bell ring again, class is over.
"It took me 30 minutes to do that?" I asked, shocked.
"Ya, but it doesn't matter. You did it." She smiled, pulling me into a kiss. I returned it gratefully, wrapping my arms around her. We only pulled away when we heard another bell.
"Well, class started, we're late." She said, grabbing her phone. As I followed her out, NIck and Chris were walking by. Their jaws dropped.
"That was your mission!" Chris yelled.
"What? No. I-"
"I don't wanna know." He said they ran away. I rolled my eyes. Their so childish.
"So how many awards did you win?" I asked as we walked to class.
"I don't know. I did two honor choirs and  honor band, there's awards for those. Probably one for the spelling bee. Probably one for the math bee. And I did a bunch of essays and tests to win money, so maybe one of those. Also I have to give a speech about the retiring teachers, and then give some prizes with student counsel. " She said.
"Well, I'll be watching you from the bleachers." I said.
"Oh, and I have to welcome the community members at the beginning."
"Geez. You do a lot."
"I'm an involved student." She smirked.
I don't get why, but her being so smart is really hot to me. She looks so sexy when she gives a speech, and when she's editing her easy for the millionth time. It doesn't matter what she's wearing. It always gets me going. I've been looking forward to this day.

(After awards)

"Good job, love." I said as it ended.
"Well, high schools over." She shrugged.
"How shall we celebrate?"I asked, grabbing her hand and going to her locker.
"We should go home, watch high school musical, and see how much it lied to us."
"I agree." Nick said, joining us. I gave him a look. It's my time with her.
"Don't look at me like that. It's not like I'm stealing your girl."
"But you are."
"Actually, you're stealing my best friend. I had her first." He smirked, I stuck my tongue out at him. She got to her locker and grabbed her pants.
"Why did you change pants?" Nick asked, I grabbed her water bottle and took a drink.
"Because unfortunately, I am not a man." He nodded in understanding.
"What are we doing?" Chris asked, coming out of nowhere.
"Watching high school musical." Y/N said. I rolled my eyes.
I wanted to spend time with her. 
"Nate!" Chris yelled across the hall.
"Come on, we're watching high school musical."
"Ok," he replied. I sighed, we're not gonna be alone at all.
We all piled into the van, and I made Chris sit in the back so I could sit with
Y/N. I drove home as they all yelled songs. When we got to my house, we went to the living room. Y/N sat next to me, but I pulled her onto my lap, resting my head in her neck.
"Are you ok?" She asked me. I nodded. She looked at me skeptically but watched the movie.
When it was over, they wanted to watch the second. But Y/N pulled me to my room as they made vomit sounds.
"What's wrong?" She asked, sitting on my bed.
"I just wanted to spend time with you." I explained.
"You were?"
"Alone." I explained further.
"Because I love you." I said, kissing her. She pulled away.
"Matt," she said, I sighed.
"I wanna be with you as much as possible before you leave for college."
"But it's only 20 minutes away?" She replied, confused.
"Ya but," I paused.
"Your gonna be doing college stuff, and you won't have time for me."
"Matt," she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Why would you think that?"
"Because your gonna have classes, and make new friends, and meet a bunch of college guys."
"But why would I want college guys when I have you?"
"Because they can take you to party's, and show you knew things, and -"
"But I don't want them. I want you."
"Because you love me and support me, and help me. Like today, would some college guy go searching for a tampon for me?" She giggled.
"I'd be stupid to break up with you or ruin this relationship for a little fun. It would be the worst mistake of my life." I nodded.
"Wanna watch the second one now?"
"Ya." I smiled, laying with her. She snuggled close to me, and I held her tightly.
We're gonna be ok.

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