[Chapter - 4]

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"The doctor will come, make sure you take the injection," Seokjin ordered while Sarang nodded as she was busy tieing his tie.

She stood there even when she was done waiting for his next instruction.

"Come have your breakfast," He said sitting on the couch and pointing beside him.

She stepped towards him and sat beside him slowly digging her breakfast. If the last night would have been her first time, she would have remembered that every single horrible moment but the way she's facing this for years now that's nothing but another nightmare. For her, her life was the bigfest nightmare.

She sensed him standing up so she tilted her head up. He looked down and leaned upon her lips softly kissing those pink lips, "Bye."

She smiled forcefully and he left the room. The behaviour of him was too much to bear with. The last night he was kissing her like a beast and now his kisses were all soft and caring.

Sarang sometimes struggled to understand what he actually feel for her. Did he care for her or he was just using her?

Sarang hold her head in frustration as she looked down.

Knock knock.

Looking up at the door, Sarang noticed the doctor she had known for decade now. She didn't even feel the need to smile at her and the lady knew she wouldn't so she just came to her and sat beside her on the couch taking out her equipments.

You know what I hate you, I hate everyone in this mansion. Sarang thought sitting properly looking at the doctor.

"I know you dislike it," The lady almost read out her mind, "But neither you and I, have any options."

Sarang silently scoffed as she rolled up her sleeve so her forearm were visible to the doctor. She rubbed the place with cotton then dig in the injection. Sarang clenched her face as she bit her lip.

"Done," the doctor assured.

"Thank you!" Sarang scoffed.

"I'll take my leave now," the lady doctor spoke and went out.

Sarang's eyes were burning in the need of sheding the tears she had tried hard to hold back. She hated every part of her life. Like who would like to get injected so she wouldn't get pregnant. She hated this thing the most about Seokjin. He made her injected in every three months so she wouldn't be pregnant so he's able to made physical relation with her without any hesitations.

"Ma'am, Jimin sir is waiting for you," Sarang's personal maid informed, "He came just now."

Sarang almost forgot her hate and crying as soon as she heard the news of her brother coming.

"Really?" Sarang stood up as her eyes lit up in happiness, the pure happiness.

Without even hearing any response, Sarang ran out of her room and she hurried downstairs.

"Jimin oppa!" Sarang called as soon as her eyes fall on the man standing in the middle of the hall with a flower bouquet and a bag in his hands.

"Sarang!" Jimin happily uttered her name as she came down and threw herself in his arms as if she finally found her happy place.

"I missed you," Sarang cried hiding in his chest.

"First take those, I can't even hug you back." Jimin laughed. They broke the hug and Sarang took the bouquet of white roses and the bag. She placed in on the couch and turned to him.

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