Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Five months without paying rent?! (Y/NN), that's impressive. In a completely irresponsible way" Song Kang exclaimed, his eyes widening in mock horror as he leaned back in his chair.

 In a completely irresponsible way" Song Kang exclaimed, his eyes widening in mock horror as he leaned back in his chair

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I shot him a glare, my normally stoic demeanor cracking under the pressure of my mounting financial troubles. "This is no time for jokes, Song Kang. Mrs. Jihyo is giving me three days to come up with the money. Today's the last day!"

I paced nervously in the reading area of our company building. The weight of my unpaid rent crushing down on me like a ton of bricks.

Tzuyu shook her head, her expression a blend of sympathy and frustration

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Tzuyu shook her head, her expression a blend of sympathy and frustration. "(Y/N), how could you let it come to this? What happened to all your money?"

I hesitated, feeling a pang of guilt as I confessed, "I... I sent most of it to my grandma. She's struggling out of town and I thought she needed it more than I did."

Song Kang raised an eyebrow, his skepticism evident. "That's noble and all. But next time maybe prioritize your own survival a bit more, huh?"

I bristled at his remark, my pride wounded by his blunt assessment. "I don't need your lectures, Song Kang. Guys, I know this is a lot to ask but I'm desperate. I need your help to come up with the rent money before Mrs. Jihyo kicks me out onto the streets."

Song Kang's expression softened, replaced by genuine concern. "(Y/N), I wish I could help, I really do. But I've been saving up every penny for my wedding next year. I just can't afford to dip into those savings."

Tzuyu bit her lip, her gaze flickering with guilt. "Me too (Y/N), I wish I could help but I have my own bills to pay. Living alone isn't cheap, you know."

I felt a surge of frustration and disappointment wash over me as neither Song Kang nor Tzuyu could offer the help I desperately needed. Sulking in my seat, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards my friends.

"Oh, woe is me! Here's sits (Y/N), abandoned by his comrades in his hour of need!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in exaggerated despair.

" Song Kang, the noble saver of pennies and Tzuyu, the lone warrior against the forces of rent and bills. Truly, I am surrounded by paragons of responsibility!"

Song Kang rolled his eyes, clearly unamused by my theatrics. "Hey, can you please tone it down a notch? This is a serious situation."

But I couldn't resist the urge to push the boundaries of absurdity further. "Serious? Oh, of course! Because nothing screams 'serious' like a secretary on the verge of eviction and his friends too preoccupied with their own lives to lend a helping hand!"

Tzuyu shot me a pointed look, her lips twitching with suppressed laughter. "(Y/N), as much as I'd love to help, I simply can't spare the cash right now."

I feigned a dramatic gasp, clutching my chest in mock horror

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I feigned a dramatic gasp, clutching my chest in mock horror. "Oh, the tragedy! The heartbreak! To think that in my darkest hour, I am left to fend for myself against the merciless forces of bureaucracy and unpaid rent!"

With one final flourish, I stood up from my chair, adopting a pose of exaggerated defiance. "Very well, my dear friends. If you won't help me, then I shall embark on this quest for rent money alone! Farewell, comrades and may we meet again in less dire circumstances!"

With that, I stormed out of the reading room, the door slamming shut behind me with a resounding thud.

Alone in the hallway, I couldn't shake the bitter taste of betrayal that lingered in the air. But deep down, I knew that my friends had their own struggles to contend with.

I reached into my pocket to grab my phone and make the dreaded call to Mrs. Jihyo. But as my fingers fumbled around the empty depths of my pants pocket, panic set in. I froze in place, frantically patting down my pockets in a futile attempt to locate the missing device.

Where was my phone?

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