Chapter 40

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(Y/N)'s POV

The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains. I stirred from my slumber. I gradually emerged from the depths of sleep. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the soft glow of morning and accompanied by the sensation of warm breath against my neck.

To my surprise, I found Sana sleeping peacefully beside me. Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck as if she didn't want me to leave.

Curious as to why she was there, I drew her closer. My fingers weave through the strands of her hair, like silk cascading over my fingertips. Each one glimmered like threads of spun gold under the gentle light. Inhaling deeply, I savored her sweet intoxicating scent. It's like the fragrance of blooming flowers on a spring morning.

Gently, I brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. It revealed the delicate curve of her jawline and the graceful arc of her neck. I found myself entranced by the ethereal beauty of her features in the morning.

Stroking her hair, Sana stirred in her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open to meet mine. I smiled and greeted her good morning. Much to my disbelief, Sana suddenly burst into tears and clung to me. She was burying her face against my neck.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her.

Sana's voice trembled as she called out my name amidst her tears.
"(Y/N)..." she cried out.

"Why are you suddenly crying? This is the first time I've seen you like this" I was taken aback. I have never seen Sana cry before. I rubbed her back as she trembled in my arms.

Sana's voice wavered as she apologized for yesterday."I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to meet my parents. I didn't know... I didn't want... I'm sorry..." she managed to say between sobs and tears streamed down her cheeks. Her apology was interrupted by her trembling breaths. It's making it difficult for her to speak.

I shushed her gently while I brushed away her tears with my thumb. "It's okay, Sana. I can handle it" I reassured her to offer comfort. She shook her head. She rejected my attempt to reassure her. "Don't lie to me. I hate it when someone pretends to be strong but they're not" she said in wavering.

I chuckled at her honesty."Alright, you caught me. I'm not as strong as I pretend to be. But I'll endure it, I promise."

I shushed Sana and pulled her closer in an embrace as I rubbed her back to comfort her. Planting kisses on her forehead and temples, I felt her tears gradually subside. She looked up at me with a puzzled expression.

"Was that a dream or did I just kiss your forehead?" she asked confusedly.

"No, that was real. Why do you ask? Are you uncomfortable with it?" I assured her smilingly.

She flashed me a warm smile and her eyes sparkled a mischief as she leaned in closer and tilted her head slightly."Can you pwetty pwease kiss my forehead again?" she asked in a babyish tone that tugged at my heartstrings.

I couldn't resist her adorable plea. I invited her to lean towards me. She giggled and leaned her forehead towards my lips. I closed my eyes to savor the moment. Gently touch, I kissed her forehead. I could feel the softness of her skin beneath my lips as I stroked her long, silky hair.

I pulled my lips from kissing her forehead and our eyes met, locking in a tender moment. "Are you happy with the kiss?" I  hoped to bring a smile to her face.

Sana pouted cutely and shook her head. "No. I want more" she replied in a babyish voice that never fails to melt my heart.

Chuckling at her adorable request, I leaned in to kiss her forehead multiple times, enveloping her in a warm embrace. Sana giggled gleefully, charmed by my affectionate gestures.

When I tenderly kissed Sana's forehead, she hesitantly voiced her concerns. Her fingers traced the familiar contours of our friendship bracelet.

A soft tremor escaped in her voice as she asked me, "Are you still mad at me for causing all this misunderstanding and mistrust between us?" Her eyes searched mine for reassurance.

I gently lifted my gaze to meet hers as I offered a reassuring smile. "No, I'm not mad at you. I was disappointed when you didn't trust in the loyalty of our friendship" I whispered.

Showing a tender expression, I emphasized,"There's no one else I'd want as my friend but you."

She stopped tracing her fingers on my bracelet and cupped my face. Sana's touch on my face brought me closer to her gaze. Her eyes reflected a mix of remorse and fear. "(Y/N), I'm sorry for not trusting you" she murmured in vulnerability.

Her fingers trembled slightly against my skin as she continued,"I was afraid that you might find someone else and leave me behind. I don't want that to happen." The fear in her voice was palpable as she confessed.

I gently removed her hand from my face and took hold of it in mine. I brought it to my lips to press a tender kiss against her knuckles. Placing her hand on my chest, I met her eyes sincerely. "I will never betray our friendship and I wouldn't dare to even think about it."

"I promised you and I intend to keep that promise."

Sana looked at me with uncertainty evident in her eyes. Her fingers delicately traced my chest. "Are you really promising to stay loyal to our friendship and never leave me?" she asked softly.

I met her gaze with sincerity. "Yes, Sana. I promise to stay loyal to our friendship and never leave you" I affirmed. Her smile in response warmed my heart and I felt a rush of relief as she kissed my cheek.

Nuzzling close to my neck, she wrapped her arms around me and drew me into a tight embrace. Returning her embrace, I pulled her closer and cherished the closeness between us.

Leaning down, I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

Oh, the joys of fixed our friendship.Truly, there was never a dull moment with Sana around.

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