Chapter 37

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Sana's POV

I'd rather stay in my bedroom than join that barbecue. I know (Y/N) will be there and just the thought of seeing his stoic face is enough to annoy me. I'm in no mood to deal with him right now. I couldn't shake off the embarrassing moment between us from a moment ago. The scenario of our compromising moment was still lingering in my mind. It's only making the idea of facing him even more unbearable.

Instead, I'm cuddling with Shane on our comfy bed which was scattered with toys and plushies from our recent playing session.

Ah, the joys of avoiding (Y/N)'s presence!

Nestled in the soft embrace of my arms, Shane gazed up at me with his big, trusting eyes. His fur was so warm and comforting against my touch.

I gently stroked his fur as I began to sing a lullaby. The soothing melody filled the room with a sense of peace and serenity. "Hush now, my little Shane. Mommy's here to keep you safe and warm" I whispered tenderly.

Shane snuggled closer to me. His purrs intertwined with the melody of the lullaby. It's creating a harmonious symphony as we bask in the tranquility of the night.

Between verses of the lullaby, I confided in Shane, "Today, mommy and daddy had a big fight. Daddy betrayed mommy by replacing mommy with another woman. Can you believe it, Shane? Daddy could do such a thing."

I continued to talk to Shane to pour out my frustrations. "And then, daddy had the nerve to apologize to mommy as if sweet words could fix everything. Mommy isn't falling for it, Shane. No way" I was unable to comprehend.

I hugged Shane tightly. I was guilty for neglecting him earlier. "I'm sorry, my little furball. Mommy didn't mean to ignore you and leave you with Auntie Momo" I pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

"Am I a bad mommy for neglecting you, Shane? I hope not" I gazed into his big- soulful eyes.

"You know what, Shane? It's all daddy's fault for stealing mommy's attention away from you. Daddy's a bad guy, Shane. He shouldn't have done that to us" I shook my head at the thought.

"Don't worry, my boy. Mommy will make sure to be mad at daddy for stealing Shane's mommy. From now on, mommy will give you all the love and attention you deserve. I promise" I added as I hugged Shane tighter.

Snuggling closer to Shane to drift off into a peaceful slumber, the intrusive sound of my ringing phone shattered the tranquility of the moment. I let out an exasperated sigh. I reached out to the nightstand and grabbed the offending device.

Who could possibly be calling me at this hour?

I answered the call as my annoyance was evident in my voice as I asked, "Who is this?"

The caller hesitated briefly before responding, "Um, is this Sana? I'm Hansol, her blind date partner."

I rolled my eyes when I realized it was Hansol, my blind date partner. "Yes, it's me. What do you want?" I masked my irritation.

Hansol's voice sounded hesitant as he asked, "Are you about to sleep? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."

Quickly thinking on my feet, I fibbed, "No, I'm just watching a movie" I sighed internally. I hoped he would take the hint and keep the conversation brief.

Cutting straight to the point, Hansol admitted, "I didn't have a chance to introduce myself properly during our blind date because you ended it so quickly."

He paused before adding, "Do you have some free time? I'd like to meet up again and get to know you better."

Feigning uncertainty, I replied, "I can't promise anything. I'm not sure when I'll be free."

Hansol's response was understanding. "That's okay. I'm willing to wait for you."

Relieved, I muttered, "Great. Can I end this call now? I keep missing the scenes because of our conversation" I desperate to end the call quickly.

Hansol chuckled, conceding, "Of course. Good night, Sana."

I wasted no time in ending the call without returning the farewell. I finally settled back on my bed to get some rest.

Out of blue, a sudden knock on the door shattered the tranquility of the moment. I groaned in frustration, almost letting out a scream. First, the phone call and now this?

I threw off my blanket and made my way to the door.

Swinging open the door, I was met with (Y/N)'s icy stare. Before he could utter a word, I theatrically placed a finger to my lips as a signal for him to quiet down. "Shhh! Our little prince is catching some much-needed shut-eye!" I declared with an exaggerated hush.

(Y/N)'s response was predictably snarky. "Ha! Our little prince?! Next, you'll be telling me I have a scientific dream!" he scoffed.

I rolled my eyes heavenward as I confronted (Y/N)'s uninvited intrusion. "What are you even doing here?" I demanded. He rudely pushed past me. It's sending me staggering back in disbelief. "Hey! What's gotten into you?!" I protested by his sudden aggression.

He turned to me and said, "Dahyun or Chaeyoung should accompany you to go to your parents' mansion tomorrow. Why would I be there and for what?"

I replied with a quick lie to deflect his inquiry. "They are busy tomorrow. They are so eager to join Momo and Jeongyeon's paranormal activity at the abandoned building" I fibbed to avoid further confrontation.

(Y/N)'s skepticism was evident as he pressed on. "Then, why don't you just invite our so-called little prince to accompany you tomorrow? Shane is not busy because all he can do is bark, eat, sleep, play and poop."

I glared at him as I defended my furry companion. "How could you say those things about my Shane?" I scolded him.

(Y/N)'s response was anything but remorseful. Grinning slyly, he exaggeratedly placed a hand over his heart and gasped dramatically. "Oh, my dearest Sana! I'm terribly sorry! I never knew his mommy could be so sensitive when it comes to her precious Shane" he intoned in a melodramatic tone.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in exasperation by (Y/N)'s antics. "Just accompany me tomorrow. I don't have time to argue about it" I cut off any protests he might have had.

Before (Y/N) could respond, I grabbed his hand and forcibly dragged him out of my bedroom. I swiftly locked the door and leaving him standing dumbstruck in the hallway.

I settled back onto my bed and snuggled close to Shane as I ruffled his fur. "Sorry for the noise, little one. Daddy just came to visit mommy" I apologized to him for disturbing his sleep. Leaning in, I kissed the top of his head and hugged him tightly to cherish the comforting presence of my furry companion.

Cuddling up with Shane, I smirked mischievously as my plan to avoid
(Y/N) meeting Nayeon tomorrow had succeeded.

Recalling the events from earlier after our argument, (Y/N) had taken a bath. It gave me the perfect opportunity to sneak into his bedroom and check his phone. I remembered how I knew his phone's PIN and easily gained access to his messages.

Scrolling through his phone, I stumbled upon the conversation between him and Nayeon. It was just as I suspected - Nayeon had asked him to accompany her to Mina's café tomorrow.

My heart sank as I felt a twinge of jealousy and possessiveness creeping in. But I quickly pushed those feelings aside, replacing them with a mischievous smirk. Chuckling to myself, I couldn't wait to put my plan into action and distract their meeting.

Now, snuggled up with Shane, I reveled in the success of my devilish scheme. Ah, tomorrow is gonna be quite entertaining with (Y/N) by my side. He's unaware of my mischievous antics.

Oh, the joys of a well-executed plan!

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