Chapter 34

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(Y/N)'s POV

Sitting alone on the bench, I felt the boredom creeping in as I waited for Sana who was currently on her blind date. Tzuyu and Song Kang were both occupied with their own tasks. They're leaving me to my own devices. I understood. Of course, but it didn't make the wait any less tedious.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and jolting me out of my trance. I turned to see Nayeon standing there. She's holding a bunny plushie and a bag of candy cotton. A warm smile crossed my face as she greeted me. "Hi, (Y/N). What are you doing here?" she greeted as she's taking a seat beside me.

I smiled at her presence and glad for the company. "Just waiting for Sana. She's on a blind date" I explained.

Nayeon nodded sympathetically. "Ah, I see. Where's her blind date taking place?" she glanced across the street.

I pointed towards the café and watching as Nayeon's eyes lit up. "That's one of the famous cafés in town!" she remarked.

I chuckled at her excitement. "Really? What do you like about it?"

Nayeon shrugged and hesitated to reply."I love their espresso. It's just... cozy and I-I got two free espressos from there last week" she admitted shyly.

"Two free espressos? Seriously? How did you manage to swing that?" I shot up my eyebrows in surprise.

Nayeon grinned sheepishly as she nodded enthusiastically. "I don't have any ideas. The owner just gave them to me as a little gift" she explained with excitement.

I chuckled as I shook my head in disbelief. "Well, color me impressed! You must have some serious charm."

"Personally, I'm not much of a coffee person myself. I prefer tea. But why do most people love coffee more than tea? I don't quite understand" I pondered aloud.

Nayeon tilted her head. She's
considering my question thoughtfully. "I suppose it just depends on personal preference. Some people love the bold flavor of coffee while others prefer the subtleness of tea. There's no right or wrong answer" she replied with a small laugh.

A thoughtful expression crossed my face as I nodded. "I guess you're right. It's all about what you enjoy" I conceded.

Nayeon called me again to break my train of thought. "Hey, (Y/N). Guess what? I just won a lottery at the game center!" she proudly displayed a bunny plushie and a stick of cotton candy.

"Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations!" I genuinely impressed. 

She beamed at my reaction and then turned to me with a shy smile. "Do you think they're cute?" she referred to her prizes.

I smiled back at her."They're adorable, just like you" I teased playfully.

Nayeon's cheeks flushed pink and she giggled nervously. "I-I'm blushing" she confessed.

Chuckling at her reaction, I playfully continued to tease her while enjoyed the lighthearted banter between us.

Sana's POV

I struggled to concentrate on Hansol's questions as he inquired about me. My gaze kept drifting to the window where (Y/N) and Nayeon were immersed in animated conversation. Their laughter echoed in my ears. It's stirring up a mix of jealousy and possessiveness within me.

Hansol cleared his throat to draw my attention away from the window where (Y/N) and Nayeon were engaged in animated conversation. "So, tell me about yourself, Sana. What's it like being the CEO of Minatozaki Oops Inc.?" he prompted as his gaze fixed on me.

My eyes flicked back to (Y/N) and Nayeon. Their laughter rang in my ears. "Um, sorry. C-could you repeat that?" I trailled off as I struggled to focus.

Hansol's brow furrowed in confusion. I barely noticed as I watched (Y/N) and Nayeon's interactions with a pang of jealousy. "I was just asking about how's your life  being the CEO of Minatozaki Oops Inc." he reiterated patiently.

I tore my gaze away from the window. My mind still lingering on their laughter. "Right. Uh... Uh, being the CEO is... it's busy" I replied vaguely while struggling to focus on Hansol's question.

He prompted me to continue. "And outside of work? What are your interests?"

I was momentarily distracted by the sight of (Y/N) and Nayeon sharing a joke. "Well, I love purple and Shiba Inu" I drifted back to the conversation outside.

Hansol raised an eyebrow when he intrigued. "Interesting. Any hobbies or favorite activities?"

I forced myself to focus. I tried to push aside the jealousy that threatened to overwhelm me. "I enjoy doing my nails and playing rugby" I attempted to sound engaged.

"Are you okay?" Hansol's voice broke through my reverie.

I tore my gaze away from the window. "Yeah, sorry. Just distracted" I mumbled and attempted to mask my jealousy.

Hansol nodded understandingly but I could sense his confusion. "Is everything alright?" he pressed.

I forced a smile to dismiss his concern. "Yeah, just... thinking about work" I lied, my thoughts still lingering on (Y/N) and Nayeon.

A sense of unease washed over me. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me from inside the café. My eyes darted around to search for the source of my discomfort.

"Hansol, do you mind if we end this here?" I blurted out.

Hansol's smile faltered. A confusion flickered across his face. "Why? Is there something wrong, Sana?" he asked.

"No! I-I... I'm just tired" I lied but actually desperate to leave the uncomfortable situation behind.

Before I could make my escape, I spotted a familiar figure behind Hansol. It was Mina. She's wearing a sunglasses and waving playfully at me. My eyes widened in surprise as she revealed herself. She's holding a popcorn as if she were watching a movie.

I rolled my eyes dramatically as I realized Mina had been spying on my blind date

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I rolled my eyes dramatically as I realized Mina had been spying on my blind date. "I need to go home" I announced abruptly. My excuse fell from my lips before I could stop it.

Hansol blinked in confusion. He was clearly taken aback by my sudden decision. "But I was just about to tell you about myself" he reached out to stop me.

I hastily scribbled my phone number on a napkin and handed it to Hansol, saying, "Just call me if you want." 

In haste, I swiftly exited the café, leaving Hansol dumbfounded. Rushing to where (Y/N) and Nayeon were, I couldn't contain my jealousy and possessiveness over their moment. I was afraid Nayeon might steal (Y/N) away from me.

Stepping over to where Nayeon and (Y/N) were, I called him out with a tinge of jealousy in my tone. I glared at them as I approached.


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