Chapter 32

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Sana's POV

The tension in the room was thick enough to cut like a knife as Eunwoo launched his accusation. Placing my arms and legs in a crossed position, I leaned back in my chair as I shot daggers at him with my eyes.

"Ms Minatozaki joined the Illuminati for company profits" Eunwoo declared.

"She's been secretly plotting behind our backs. It's no wonder Minatozaki Oops Inc. always comes out on top" Rowon nodded in agreement.

Wendy chimed in,"There are so many sources saying you had involved with the Illuminati."

I scoffed as I was unable to contain my disbelief. "You really think I'm dumb enough to join the Illuminati? You're just trying to tarnish my reputation!" I retorted laced sarcastically.

At the height of the tension in the room, Lisa finally spoke up, her voice cutting through the heated exchange. "Guys, can we please just stop bickering and get this meeting over with?" she pleaded.

I smirked mischievously at Eunwoo. My eyes bored into his with an intensity that matched his own. "Go ahead, Mr. Cha.You can accuse me of joining the Illuminati all you want. Or maybe you'd prefer to talk about how you're bribing your way to the top, cutting worker salaries to fund your gambling habits?"

Eunwoo's face turned red angrily and his jaw clenched as he struggled to find a response. The other pathetic losers shifted uncomfortably in their seats when they clearly caught off guard by my boldness.

I wasn't about to let them off easy. Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my arms defiantly. A smirk played on my lips. "Umm... what's the matter, Mr. Cha? Cat got your tongue?" I taunted.

Seeing Eunwoo's reaction, Rowon spoke up, his voice tinged in disbelief. "Ms. Minatozaki, where did you hear such things? Care to share with us?" he asked urgently.

Eunwoo's confidence seemed to return slightly at Rowon's defense but I wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily. Smirking knowingly, I leaned forward as I locked my eyes with Rowon.

"Of course, Mr Rowon. I'd be happy to share my sources with you" I dropped a faux sincerity. I could see the doubt flicker in Eunwoo's eyes as he realized that Rowon wasn't as firmly in his corner as he had thought.

Sighing dramatically, I pushed myself up from my chair. My eyes fixed on the projector screen as I prepared to reveal the damning evidence against Eunwoo. In a not so called grand manner, I unveiled the image of Eunwoo's corrupt dealings as I commenced the presentation.

Displayed on the slide was the evidence of Eunwoo's bribery and corruption, I feigned shock and shook my head in disbelief. "Oh, what a sight! To think that such corruption could exist within our esteemed industry!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

The tension in the room was palpable as the other pathetic losers watched in stunned silence. Their expressions ranged from shock to horror. I wasn't finished yet. Smirking, I clicked to the next slide. It's revealing a picture of Eunwoo at my uncle's casino in Las Vegas.

"Well, well, well. It seems our esteemed CEO of Cha WDYM Labels has quite the penchant for high-stakes gambling..." I paused for effect to let the implications of my words sink in before continuing, "Truly, a fitting pastime for a man of his... stature."

Eunwoo's face reddened frustrated while his hands trembling with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "This isn't funny, Ms Minatozaki. Please just delete those pictures" he protested.

I leaned back in my chair and I displayed a mischievous glint in my eyes as I shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, but it's the highlight of my day, Mr Cha. Why would I want to spoil all the fun?" I replied teasingly.

Rowon who had been Eunwoo's staunch defender, now looked torn. His brows furrowed in contemplation. He opened his mouth to speak but the words seemed to catch in his throat and leaving him at a loss for what to say.

Meanwhile, Wendy who had been eager to join in the accusations against me, now found herself squirming under my gaze. Her cheeks flushed crimson as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She's avoiding my gaze.

Wearing a satisfied smirk, I turned back to my laptop. My fingers danced over the keys as I prepared to reveal yet another damning piece of evidence against Eunwoo.

Showing a devilish sparkle in my eyes, I announced, "Well, let's not stop the fun just yet!" I clicked to reveal the final slide of Eunwoo's downfall. The screen displayed a shocking image of Eunwoo's financial debt to my uncle's casino, a staggering one hundred million dollars.

Eunwoo's face drained of color as he let out a horrified scream, his protests drowned out by the damning evidence against him. "Please, stop this!" he trembled in panicking and desperation.

I leaned back in my chair and crossing my arms with a smug grin. "Why should I? You were so eager to accuse me, yet you can't handle a taste of your own medicine? " I retorted.

Turning to Rowon who had been defending Eunwoo, I raised an eyebrow expectantly, silently daring him to come to Eunwoo's aid once more. But Rowon remained silent, his eyes fixed on Eunwoo with a mixture of disappointment and disbelief.

Not one to miss an opportunity for a jab, I turned my attention to Wendy, who had been eagerly participating in the accusations against me. "And what about you, Ms. Son? Do you find it amusing to see Mr Cha in such a compromising position? " I taunted.

Wendy's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, realizing the irony of the situation. Caught discomfort, she could only offer a sheepish nod in response.

Regardless, I stayed unfazed. Crossing my arms and legs, I fixed them with a steely glare. "Any other accusations to throw my way?" I challenged again.

The room fell silent. None of them dared to meet my gaze or speak up. Finally, Lisa broke the tension with a timid apology on their behalf. "I'm sorry, Ms. Minatozaki. On behalf of us, I apologize for ruining these baseless accusations" she apologized.

I waved off her apology in a dismissive gesture. "No need to apologize, Ms. Manoban. Just another day in the world of corporate drama, right?" I replied slightly.

Redirecting my attention to the other three pathetic losers who were now shuffling out of the meeting room with their tails between their legs, I felt a sense of satisfaction. I watched Lisa excused herself too, knowing that I needed to cool down.

Sitting alone in the now-quiet room, the stress of the meeting with Eunwoo still clung to me. My temples throbbed with frustration and I rubbed them in an attempt to soothe the ache.

Suddenly, my stomach let out a loud grumble and reminded me that I had skipped lunch in the midst of the chaos. I chuckled at my forgetfulness. I realized that I needed to refuel myself. Quickly pulling out my phone, I shot a message to (Y/N) for asking him to bring me some takeaway food from the cafeteria.

📱** Me to My Darling 😘💞***📱

(Y/N)! 🆘 My stomach's staging a hunger strike! 🍔🚫 Send reinforcements in the form of food, ASAP! 🚀

12:05 pm

Don't test my patience like last time or else you'll face the wrath of a hangry boss! 😤🍴And guess what? 🤔 You get the honor of being my lunch buddy later! 🍔👯‍♂️ Let's make today delicious! 🎉

12:06 pm

I gathered my things and left the meeting room.

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